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Table of Contents
List of Contributors
PART I Numerical Analysis
Computational Issues for Optimal Shape Design in Hemodynamics, by Olivier Pironneau
Functional A Posteriori Error Estimate for a Nonsymmetric Stationary Diffusion Problem, by Olli Mali
Error Estimates of Uzawa Iteration Method for a Class of Bingham Fluids, by Marjaana Nokka and Sergey Repin
An Automatic Differentiation Based Approach to the Level Set Method, by Jukka I. Toivanen
PART II Mathematical Modeling in Mechanics
Differential Fluid Mechanics Harmonization of Analytical, Numerical and Laboratory Models of Flows, by Yuli D. Chashechkin
Effect of Friction in Sliding Contact of a Sphere over a Viscoelastic Halfspace, by Irina Goryacheva, Fedor Stepanov, and Elena Torskaya
Stability of a Tensioned Axially Moving Plate Subjected to Cross-Direction Potential Flow, by Juha Jeronen, Tytti Saksa, and Tero Tuovinen
Multiaxial fatigue criteria and durability of titanium compressor disks in low- and very-high-cycle fatigue modes, by Nikolay Burago and Ilia Nikitin
Dynamic Analysis for Axially Moving Viscoelastic PoyntingThompson Beams, by Tytti Saksa and Juha Jeronen
A projection approach to analysis of natural vibrations for beams with nonsymmetric cross sections, by Vasily Saurin and Georgy Kostin
On bifurcation analysis of implicitly given functionals in the theory of elastic stability, by Nikolay Banichuk, Alexander Barsuk, Juha Jeronen, Pekka Neittaanmäki, and Tero Tuovinen
PART III Optimization
Proximal Bundle Method for Nonsmooth and Nonconvex Multiobjective Optimization, by Marko M. Mäkelä, Napsu Karmitsa and Outi Wilppu
Efficient Parallel Nash Genetic Algorithm for solving Inverse Problems in Structural Engineering, by Jacques Périaux and David Greiner
Efficient variational design sensitivity analysis, by Franz-Joseph Barthold, Nikolai Gerzen, Wojciech Kijanski, and Daniel Materna
A Variational Approach to Modelling and Optimization in Elastic Structure Dynamics, by Georgy Kostin and Vasily Saurin
Contact Optimization Problems for Stationary and Sliding Conditions, by István Páczelt, Attila Baksa, and Zenon Mroz
Some Problems of Multipurpose Optimization for Deformed Bodies and Structures, by Alexander Sinitsin, Svetlana Ivanova, Evgeniy Makeev and Nikolay Banichuk.
List of Contributors
PART I Numerical Analysis
Computational Issues for Optimal Shape Design in Hemodynamics, by Olivier Pironneau
Functional A Posteriori Error Estimate for a Nonsymmetric Stationary Diffusion Problem, by Olli Mali
Error Estimates of Uzawa Iteration Method for a Class of Bingham Fluids, by Marjaana Nokka and Sergey Repin
An Automatic Differentiation Based Approach to the Level Set Method, by Jukka I. Toivanen
PART II Mathematical Modeling in Mechanics
Differential Fluid Mechanics Harmonization of Analytical, Numerical and Laboratory Models of Flows, by Yuli D. Chashechkin
Effect of Friction in Sliding Contact of a Sphere over a Viscoelastic Halfspace, by Irina Goryacheva, Fedor Stepanov, and Elena Torskaya
Stability of a Tensioned Axially Moving Plate Subjected to Cross-Direction Potential Flow, by Juha Jeronen, Tytti Saksa, and Tero Tuovinen
Multiaxial fatigue criteria and durability of titanium compressor disks in low- and very-high-cycle fatigue modes, by Nikolay Burago and Ilia Nikitin
Dynamic Analysis for Axially Moving Viscoelastic PoyntingThompson Beams, by Tytti Saksa and Juha Jeronen
A projection approach to analysis of natural vibrations for beams with nonsymmetric cross sections, by Vasily Saurin and Georgy Kostin
On bifurcation analysis of implicitly given functionals in the theory of elastic stability, by Nikolay Banichuk, Alexander Barsuk, Juha Jeronen, Pekka Neittaanmäki, and Tero Tuovinen
PART III Optimization
Proximal Bundle Method for Nonsmooth and Nonconvex Multiobjective Optimization, by Marko M. Mäkelä, Napsu Karmitsa and Outi Wilppu
Efficient Parallel Nash Genetic Algorithm for solving Inverse Problems in Structural Engineering, by Jacques Périaux and David Greiner
Efficient variational design sensitivity analysis, by Franz-Joseph Barthold, Nikolai Gerzen, Wojciech Kijanski, and Daniel Materna
A Variational Approach to Modelling and Optimization in Elastic Structure Dynamics, by Georgy Kostin and Vasily Saurin
Contact Optimization Problems for Stationary and Sliding Conditions, by István Páczelt, Attila Baksa, and Zenon Mroz
Some Problems of Multipurpose Optimization for Deformed Bodies and Structures, by Alexander Sinitsin, Svetlana Ivanova, Evgeniy Makeev and Nikolay Banichuk.