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Preface; Reference; Contents; Chapter 1: General Principles; Towards a New Anthropology; A Specifically Human Quality: Non-nature Nature Stemming from the Dual Access to Reality; Our Anthropological Core; Silence Is the Basic Resource of Our Species; All Human Quality Has Always Gone Hand-in-Hand with an Interest in the Real, the Ability to Become Silent and to Distance Oneself from Specific Models; The Collective Urgency of Cultivating Secular Silence; Dual Access to the Real and Dual Use of Our Faculties; Reflections for Adequate Study of the Human Axiological Phenomenon

Process and Method of Research into Axiological EpistemologyThe Specific, the Sensory, the Qualitative and the Axiological; The Structure of Language Is that of Anthropology, Axiological Systems and Communication; The Structure of Language; In Our Anthropological Structure, as in Linguistics, Everything Is Interdependent; Axiological Systems in the New Societies; The Boundary Between the Intralinguistic and the Extralinguistic; Text, Linguistic and Extralinguistic Context; Structural Relationships Between Text, Context and Situation

The Meaning of Life for a Being with Needs, Transposition to Language and Objective DistanceAnalysis of the Components of Language and Construction of Axiological Systems; Creating Projects Based on Axiological Postulates; Does a Natural World Exist?; Abstraction and Its Various Types; Scientific Abstraction; Axiological Abstraction; References; Chapter 2: Principles of Specific Formal Parameters; In Natural Language Everything Is Specific and Qualitative; Nothing Is Abstract; The Resulting Axiological Consequences on Scientific/Technical Societies

The Elasticity of Linguistic and Expressive Formations Oppositions, System and Process; The Elementary Structure of Specific Formal Parameters; Rules Governing the Transformation of the Elementary Structure; Achievements so far Towards the Construction of Axiological Systems; Discourse; A Few General Reflections; Actants; Actantial Structure of Christianity; Actantial Structure of the Enlightenment (Liberalism); Actantial Structure of Classic Socialism; Actants in the New Societies: The Prestige and the Attractive Force of Axiological Systems in the New Knowledge Societies

Chapter 3: The Interdependence Between Natural Language and Collective Axiological SystemsThe Role of Axiological Epistemology in the Cultivation of the Absolute Dimension of the Real; The Diverse Uses of Language and Practical Assumptions in the Use of Language; The Axiological Role of Language: An Overview of the Basic Principles of Axiological Epistemology; Methodological Observations: A Compendium; Chapter 4: Mythical Analyses; The Mesopotamian Myth 'Enuma Elish' ; Inanna's Descent to the Nether World; Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed; References

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