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Part I: History of reverse shoulder arthroplasty. Origins of reverse shoulder arthroplasty and common misconceptions
Part II: Biomechanics and basic science of selected leading research centers. Shoulder biomechanics: Charité University of Medicine, Berlin, Germany
Biomechanics of the reverse shoulder arthroplasty
Reverse shoulder biomechanics: the research performed at the Foundation for Orthopaedic Research and Education (FORE)
Design optimization and prosthesis classification: Bordeaux-merignac Sport Clinic, Bordeaux-Merignac, France
Motion and muscular function after reverse shoulder arthroplasty
Biomechanics of the normal and reverse shoulder
Biomechanics of the reverse total shoulder replacement: the hospital for special surgery perspective
Analysis of reverse total shoulder arthroplasty biomechanics using a dynamic shoulder simulator
Biomechanics of reverse shoulder arthroplasty: contribution of computer modelling
Kinematic analyses of patients with reverse shoulder arthroplasty
Implant retrieval: Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Part III: Clinical uses. Reverse shoulder arthroplasty for massive rotator cuff tears without glenohumeral arthritis
Massive rotator cuff arthropathy with glenohumeral arthritis
Intact rotator cuff
Reverse shoulder arthroplasty in the setting of proximal humeral fracture
Reverse shoulder arthroplasty in the setting of scapula fractures
RSA with glenoid bone loss
Reverse shoulder arthroplasty in patients with preoperative deltoid impairment
Reverse total shoulder arthroplasty in the setting of infection
Reverse shoulder arthroplasty in the setting of proximal humeral bone loss
Conversion of failed hemiarthroplasty to reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: indications, techniques, and outcomes
Reverse prosthesis and the failed total shoulder arthroplasty
Revision reverse total shoulder arthroplasty
Proximal humerus tumors
Massive irreparable rotator cuff tears: how to rebalance the cuff-deficient shoulder?
Influence of arm lengthening in reverse shoulder arthroplasty
How to handle the humeral side
Rehabilitation and activity expectations following RSA
Complications associated with RSA
Part IV: Current industry devices and surgical techniques. Arthrex univers reverstm shoulder prosthesis
Aston Medical Duocentric® Reversed Prosthesis: proposition of new glenoid component design to prevent scapular neck notching
The Biomet Comprehensive Reverse Total Shoulder System: design considerations and surgical techniques
Depuy synthes Delta XTEND
DJO Surgical Reverse Shoulder Prosthesis (RSP)
Design features and surgical technique of the Scultra II Reverse Prosthesis
Evolutis UNIC Reverse Shoulder Prosthesis
Exactech Equinoxe RTSA Platform Shoulder System Design rationale
FH Orthopedics Arrow Universal Shoulder Prosthesis
Verso® Stemless Bone Preserving Reverse Geometry Total Shoulder Replacement: (Innovative Design Orthopaedics Ltd.)
The Integra® Titantm Reverse Shoulder System
The SMR® Shoulder System of Lima Corporate
Mathys Affinis® Inverse
The Bayley/Walker Prosthesis: Stanmore Implants Worldwide
Tornier Aequalis Ascendtm Flex Convertible Shoulder System
Zimmer Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty
Part V: Economic value. Value and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: the Foundation for Orthopaedic Research and education perspective
Value and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: the Boston Shoulder Institute perspective.

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