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Section 1: Technologies in Service
Chapter 1: Digital Banking For Alleviating Rural Poverty in Indonesia: Some Evidences
Chapter 2: Tax Compliance and International Cultural Factors: A Multi-Level Empirical Study
Chapter 3: Are Values of Managers Associated With The Tasks They Perform? A Trans-National Level Empirical Analysis
Chapter 4: Indonesian Retail Market Analysis Using Frequent Pattern Data Mining
Chapter 5: Measurement and Evaluation of Service Productivity: A Holistic Approach
Chapter 6: Web 2.0 Technologies and Indian IT Services Companies: An Impact Analysis
Section 2: Technologies in Education
Chapter 7: The Era of the Global Intern? Business Undergraduates' Perceptions of International Internships at a Foreign University In Vietnam
Chapter 8: Building and Maintaining Relationships in a Global Education Context
Chapter 9: Educational Evolution: A Review of MOOCs in Institutes of Higher Education
Chapter 10: Innovation in a Geographically Distributed Environment: Interrelationship of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management
Section 3: Technologies in Improving Work Environment
Chapter 11: Selection of Alternate Work systems to Improve Occupational Health of Indian Construction Workers: A Design of Experiment Based Approach
Chapter 12: Hospital Appointment Scheduling in Presence of Walk-ins and Emergency Arrivals
Chapter 13: Improving Occupational Health of Indian Construction Workers: A Biomechanical Evaluation Approach
Chapter 14: Cleansing Industrial Pollution: an Eco-friendly Approach.

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