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Supervisor's Foreword; Acknowledgments; Contents; 1 Introduction; 1.1 The Standard Model; 1.1.1 Electroweak Interaction; 1.1.2 The Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking; 1.1.3 Quantum-Chromo Dynamics (QCD); 1.1.4 Test of the SM; 1.1.5 Problems of the SM; 1.2 Supersymmetry; 1.2.1 Minimum Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM); 1.2.2 R-Parity; 1.2.3 SUSY Breaking; 1.2.4 The MSSM Higgs Sector; 1.2.5 SUSY Spectrum; 1.2.6 Natural SUSY Versus 125GeV Higgs Boson; 1.3 Productions and Decay Modes of SUSY Particles at the LHC; 1.4 Current Status of SUSY Searches

1.4.1 Search for Direct Chargino Pair Production at the LEP1.4.2 Search for Direct Production of Electroweak Gauginos at the LHC; 1.4.3 Search for Scalar Top Quark Pair Production at the LHC; 1.5 Target Event Topology of This Work; References; 2 The LHC and the ATLAS Experiment; 2.1 The Large Hadron Collider; 2.2 The ATLAS Detector; 2.2.1 Inner Detector; 2.2.2 Calorimetry; 2.2.3 Muon Spectrometer; 2.2.4 Trigger and Data Acquisition System; References; 3 Data and Monte Carlo Simulation; 3.1 The ATLAS pp Collisions Data in 2012; 3.1.1 Data Processing and Online Calibration

3.1.2 Luminosity Measurement3.1.3 Trigger Efficiency Measurement; 3.2 Monte Carlo Simulation; 3.2.1 Parton Distribution Function (PDF); 3.2.2 The Standard Model Backgrounds; 3.2.3 Signals; 3.2.4 Overlap Removal Between Diagrams by Matrix Element and Parton Shower; 3.2.5 Detector Simulation; 3.2.6 Pileup Re-Weighting; References; 4 Particle Reconstruction; 4.1 Track and Vertex Reconstruction; 4.1.1 Track Reconstruction; 4.1.2 Vertex Reconstruction; 4.1.3 Impact Parameter Resolution; 4.2 Electron Reconstruction; 4.2.1 Cluster Reconstruction at the EM Calorimeter; 4.2.2 Track Matching

4.2.3 Energy Calibration4.2.4 Electron Identification; 4.2.5 Reconstruction and Identification Efficiency; 4.3 Muon Reconstruction; 4.3.1 Standalone Muon Reconstruction; 4.3.2 Combined Muon Reconstruction; 4.3.3 Segment-Tagged Muon Reconstruction; 4.3.4 Muon Momentum Scale and Resolution; 4.3.5 Muon Identification; 4.3.6 Reconstruction and Identification Efficiency; 4.4 Lepton Isolation; 4.5 Jet Reconstruction; 4.5.1 Calorimeter Clustering Criteria; 4.5.2 Anti-kT Algorithm; 4.5.3 Pileup Subtraction; 4.5.4 Jet Energy Scale (JES) and Resolution Calibration; 4.5.5 Jet Vertex Fraction (JVF)

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