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Cover; Contents; List of Figures; Preface; 1 The Evolution of Economic Behaviour; Evolution by natural selection; Life history strategy; Kith and kin; Reciprocal altruism; Cultural evolution; Tool use and intelligence; Human evolution; Recent genetic changes; Human cultural evolution; The Neolithic revolution; Forms of exchange; Points to remember; 2 The Economic Behaviour of the Individual; A biological approach; The animal as an economic consumer; The supermarket analogy; Time and energy budgets in animals; Animal and human economics; Problems with microeconomics; Specific hungers

Points to remember3 Behavioural Economics; The experimental situation; The sterile environment; The captive animal; The real world; Animals in the real world; Humans in the real world; Hoarding and caching; The rationality muddle; Rational choice theory; Biological rationality; Points to remember; 4 The Biological Bases of Decision-Making; Decisions; Recapitulation; The biological view; Functional aspects of decision-making; Trade-off; "Voluntary" decisions; Introspection; The teleological imperative; Whither Homo economicus?; Points to remember; Glossary; Notes; Index

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