

The song of Gimmile (Gindo tribe, Mali)
The chief of the Gurensi (Gurensi tribe, Upper Volta and Ghana)
Three fast men (Mende tribe, Ivory Coast)
The king of Sedo (Wolof tribe, Senegal)
The fisherman (Jabo tribe, Liberia)
A song for the new chief (Ashanti tribe, Ghana)
The search : who gets the chief's daughter? (Ashanti tribe, Ghana)
The king's drum (Ashanti tribe, Ghana)
The sky god's daughter (Ashanti tribe, Ghana)
The wedding of the hawk (Ewe tribe, Togo)
How poverty was revealed to the King of Adja (Dahomey)
Three sons of a chief (Hausa tribe, Nigeria)
The brave man of Golo (Hausa tribe, Nigeria)
The feast (Bamum tribe, Cameroun)
Frog's wives make ndiba pudding (Bakongo tribe, Republic of the Congo)
Two friends : how they parted (Bakongo tribe, Republic of the Congo)
The hunter and his talking leopard (Bakongo tribe, Republic of the Congo)
The past and the future (Mbaka tribe, Angola)
The elephant hunters (Mbaka tribe, Angola)
A father-in-law and his son-in-law (Loanda dialect, Angola)
The donkeys ask for justice (Ethiopia)
The lion's share (Somalia)
Nawasi goes to war (Somalia)
Ruda, the quick thinker (Sudan)
The giraffe hunters (Masai tribe, Kenya and Tanganyika)
The stone lute (Bemba tribe, Northern Rhodesia)
Why the chameleon shakes his head (Bemba tribe, Northern Rhodesia)
The hemp smoker and the hemp grower (Mashona tribe, Southern Rhodesia and Mozambique)
The message from the moon (Hottentot tribe, South Africa).

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