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Bats in the anthropocene
Bats in anthropogenically changed landscapes. Urbanisation and its effects on bats: a global meta-analysis
Bats and roads
Responses of tropical bats to habitat fragmentation, logging, and deforestation
Insectivorous bats and silviculture: balancing timber production and bat conservation
Bats in the anthropogenic matrix: Challenges and opportunities for the conservation of Chiroptera and their ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes
Dark matters: the effects of artificial lighting on bats
Bats and water: anthropogenic alterations threaten global bat populations
Emerging disesases. White-nose syndrome in bats
Zoonotic viruses and conservation of bats
Human–bat conflicts. Impacts of wind energy development on bats: a global perspective
Exploitation of bats for bushmeat and medicine
The conflict between pteropodid bats and fruit growers: species, legislation and mitigation
Bats and buildings: The conservation of synanthropic bats
Conservation ecology of cave bats
Conservation approaches, educational and outreach programs. The roles of taxonomy and systematics in bat conservation
Networking networks for global bat conservation
Cute, creepy, or crispy: how values, attitudes and norms shape human behavior toward bats.

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