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Contributors; About the Editors; Chapter 1: Archaeologies of Anxiety: The Materiality of Anxiousness, Worry, and Fear; Introduction; Emotion in Archaeology; An Archaeology of Emotional Communities; Evocative Space; Ritual Practice and Emotions; Anxiety, Risk, and Rituals; Anxiety and Private Practice; Concluding Thoughts; References; Chapter 2: The Importance of "Getting It Right:" Tracing Anxiety in Mesolithic Burial Rituals; Understanding the Treatment of the Dead; Anxiety, Ritual, and Archaeological Sources; The Case Study: Mesolithic Burials Around the Baltic Sea

Vedbæk/Bøgebakken: Brief Overview Skateholm: Brief Overview; Interpreting the Ritualized Treatment of the Bodies at Vedbæk/Bøgebakken and Skateholm; Zvejnieki: Brief Overview and Interpretation; Analysis and Discussion: Connecting Ritual, Practice, and Anxiety; Concluding Remarks; References; Chapter 3: Risky Business: A Life Full of Obligations to the Dead and the Living on the Early Bronze Age Southeastern Dead Sea Plain, Jordan; Introduction; Being Contextually Competent in Obligations of Daily Life and Death; Background: Life and Death in the Early Bronze Age and Bab adh-Dhra‵

Health and Well-Being among the EB IA Living Community Associated with Bab adh-Dhra‵ Competently Dealing with Dead: Material Metaphors and Anxiety about Getting the Job Done Properly; Concluding Thoughts; References; Chapter 4: Hid in Death's Dateless Night: The Lure of an Uncanny Landscape in Bronze Age Anatolia; Introduction: Emotive Landscapes; Margins, Thresholds, Passages; Anxiety and the Atmosphere of Ambivalence; Gavurkalesi; Landscape and Movement at Gavurkalesi; Landscape and Hittite Mythology; Gavurkalesi as Threshold, as Passage; Orchestrating Gavurkalesi; Conclusions

The Aesthetics of Fear Negotiations at Gavurkalesi; References; Chapter 5: Feet of Clay: An Archaeology of Huedan Elite Anxiety in the Era of Atlantic Trade; Introduction; Huedan Emotional Communities; Vodun, Popular Media, and Huedan Political Processes; Archaeology of Cold and Hot Huedan Things; Archaeological Rendering of Huedan Anxiousness; Conclusions; References; Chapter 6: Communities of Anxiety: Gathering and Dwelling at Causewayed Enclosures in the British Neolithic; Vignette; Introduction; Anxiety; Anxiety as a Quality of an Affective Field; Early Neolithic Britain

A History of Anxiety in the Early Neolithic Anxiety and Causewayed Enclosures; Gathering and Anxiety; Exchange and Anxiety; The Dead and Anxiety; Violence and Anxiety; Conclusion; Bibliography; Chapter 7: Bodily Protection: Dress, Health, and Anxiety in Colonial New England; Introduction; The Anxious Colonial Body: Morality, Dress, and Physick; Materializing Anxiety: Medicinal and Dress Artifacts from Colonial Harvard; Conclusions; References; Chapter 8: Ritualized Coping During War: Conflict, Congregation, and Emotions at the Late Pre-Hispanic Fortress of Acaray; Introduction

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