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Foreword; An Apology for a Mathematician; Contents; Part I Climate Modelling; Application of Data Assimilation to Ocean and Climate Prediction; Introduction; Data Assimilation; Unrealistic Motions Generated by Data Assimilation Near the Equator; Analysis Using the Shallow Water Equations; Impacts; References; Improving Weather Forecasting Accuracy by Using r-Adaptive Methods Coupled to Data Assimilation Algorithms; Data Assimilation; Adaptive Mesh Methods; Coupling r-Adaptive Methods to Data Assimilation Algorithms; Results; Societal Impact; References

Measuring How Much Wood is in the World's Forests: Why Statistics MatterIntroduction: The Global Carbon Cycle, Forest Biomass and the BIOMASS Satellite Mission; Meeting the Accuracy Requirements: A Fight Against Image Statistics; Resolving the Dilemma: Using Multiple Satellite Images; Simple Problems Can Have Big Impacts; References; ENDGame: The New Dynamical Core of the Met Office Weather and Climate Prediction Model; Introduction; Further Background: The C-Grid; Energy, Rossby Waves, and the Polar Variable; Convergence and Stability; A More Robust and Accurate Model; References

Part II Environmental ModellingWonder of the Solar System: Icy Geysers and Liquid Water on Enceladus; Introduction; Early Theories of Enceladus' Plume; Modern Theory of the Plume; Subsurface Ocean; Impact; References; Distance Sampling Surveys of Population Size: Enabling Better Decision-Making by Wildlife Managers; Introduction; Conventional Distance Sampling; Advances; Impact; Example; References; Avalanche Defence Schemes; Introduction; Mathematical Models of Snow Avalanches; Deflecting Dams; Application; References; Radiometric Dating of Environmental Records in Natural Archives

IntroductionMethodology; Impacts of Some Recent Projects; Western Airborne Contaminants Assessment Project; Restoration of Mosquito Control Ditches on Fire Island, New York; Use of Antifoulant Paints in UK Inland Waters; References; Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Modelling to Deliver More Accurate and Instantaneous Air Pollution Forecasts; Introduction; Models; Posterior Distributions; Predictive Distribution for Forecasting; Validation Analysis; Discussion; References; Part III Engineering; Modelling and Analysis of Floating Ocean Wave Energy Extraction Devices; Introduction

Underpinning ResearchModelling the OWEL WEC; Impact and Interaction with Industry; References; Some Mathematics for Splashes: Sea-Wave Impact on Coastal Structures; Introduction; Development of the Mathematical Model; Pressure-Impulse Theory; An Example Calculation with an Idealised Triangular Wave; Conclusions and Further Explorations; References; Industrial Impact of Bayes Linear Analysis; Introduction; Bayes Linear Analysis; Bayes Linear Sufficiency and Asset Management; Theoretical Background; Impact; Bayes Linear Kinematics and Chemical Potency Assessment; Theoretical Background; Impact

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