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Foreign Fighters' in the Syria and Iraq Conflict: Statistics and Characteristics of a Rapidly Growing Phenomenon
Foreign Fighters' Involvement in National and International Wars: A Historical Survey
Foreign Fighters as a Challenge for International Relations Theory
Foreign Fighters: Motivations for Travel to Foreign Conflicts
The Emerging Role of Social Media in the Recruitment of Foreign Fighters Gabriel Weimann
Analysing the Recruitment and Use of Foreign Men and Women in ISIL through a Gender Perspective
The Military Impact of Foreign Fighters on the Battlefield: the Case of the ISIL
The Status of Foreign Fighters under International Humanitarian Law Emanuele Sommario
Foreign Fighters and International Criminal Law
Child Soldiers: the Expanding Practice of Minors Recruited to Become Foreign Fighters
Armed Opposition Groups' (and Foreign Fighters') Abidance by Human Rights Law: the Issue of Compliance in Syria and Iraq.

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