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Table of Contents
Basics of the Lagrangian Field Theory
Lagrangian Field Theory with the Non-commuting (NC) Variations
Vertical Connections in the Congurational Bundle and the NCvariations
K-twisted Prolongations and -symmetries (by Works of Muriel,Romero
Applications: Holonomic and Non-Holonomic Mechanics,H.KleinertAction Principle, Uniform Materials,and the Dissipative Potentials
Material Time, NC-variations and the Material Aging
Fiber Bundles and Their Geometrical Structures, Absolute Parallelism
Jet Bundles, Contact Structures and Connections on Jet Bundles
Lie Groups Actions on the Jet Bundles and the Systems of Differential Equations.
Lagrangian Field Theory with the Non-commuting (NC) Variations
Vertical Connections in the Congurational Bundle and the NCvariations
K-twisted Prolongations and -symmetries (by Works of Muriel,Romero
Applications: Holonomic and Non-Holonomic Mechanics,H.KleinertAction Principle, Uniform Materials,and the Dissipative Potentials
Material Time, NC-variations and the Material Aging
Fiber Bundles and Their Geometrical Structures, Absolute Parallelism
Jet Bundles, Contact Structures and Connections on Jet Bundles
Lie Groups Actions on the Jet Bundles and the Systems of Differential Equations.