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Part I: High Waves in the South China Sea; Chapter 1: Introduction: Understanding the Importance of the Disputes in the South China Sea; 1.1 China's Rise, Sino-US Competition and the Challenges to the Regional Order; 1.2 Outline of the Volume; References; Chapter 2: A Sea of Troubles: International Law and the Spitsbergen Plus Approach to Conflict Management in the South China Sea; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Background on the Dispute; 2.2.1 The Scene; 2.2.2 The Actors; 2.2.3 The Issues; 2.3 International Law in the South China Sea; 2.3.1 Measuring the Seas

2.3.2 The Role of Offshore Features2.3.3 The Actors' Claims with Respect to International Law; 2.4 Approaches to Conflict Management; 2.4.1 Five Premises; 2.4.2 Dispute Settlement Under UNCLOS; The Spitsbergen Plus Approach; 2.5 Conclusions; References; Chapter 3: Legalism, Developmentalism and Securitization: The Case of Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Security Mindset, Common and Conflicting Interests; 3.3 Security Bargain; 3.4 Countering Securitization and Creating Alternatives to It

3.5 The Process of Developmentalist Desecuritization 1980 Onwards 3.6 Results of Developmentalist Desecuritization; 3.6.1 Legalism and Desecuritization; 3.7 A Change of Identities and Institutions; 3.8 Prospects of Developmentalism, Legalism and De-securitization; References; Chapter 4: An Unmanned South China Sea? Understanding the Risks and Implications of the Arrival of the Digital and Robotic Rev...; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Actors, Stakes, Motivations, Recent Developments and Changing Military Tides; 4.3 Changing Tides in Military Development Which Could Cause Unruly Waters; References

Part II: China RisingChapter 5: The South China Sea in China's Developing Maritime Strategy; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Disputed Island Groups in the SCS; 5.3 The SCS and China's Maritime Modernisation; 5.4 Diplomatic Pressures in the SCS Region; 5.5 Future Prospects; References; Chapter 6: China's Sea Power Aspirations and Strategic Behaviour in the South China Sea from the Theoretical Perspective of Id...; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Construction of China's Great Power Identity and the South China Sea Disputes; 6.3 China's Changing Security Discourse and Its Sea Power Aspirations

6.4 China's Growing Maritime Capabilities: A Challenge to the US-led Regional Security Order? 6.5 Conclusion; References; Chapter 7: Punish the Philippines, Forgive Vietnam? The South China Sea Disputes in the Eyes of Chinese Experts; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 General Trends in Expert Coverage; 7.3 Experts Weigh in on the South China Sea Clashes: Two Case Studies; 7.3.1 Expert Reactions to the Scarborough Shoal Incident; 7.3.2 Expert Reactions to the HS 981 Incident; 7.4 Conclusion; References; Chapter 8: China's Nationalist Narrative of the South China Sea: A Preliminary Analysis

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