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Reactions on Monadic Lenses
Conation Confers Concurrency
Counting Successes: Effects and Transformations for Non-deterministic Programs
The Essence of Inheritance
Subtyping Supports Safe Session Substitution
Proof Relevant Parametricity
Comprehending Ringads
Dragging Proofs out of Pictures
Experiences with QuickCheck: Testing the Hard Stuff and Staying Sane
Cutting out Continuations
The Lambda Calculus: Practice and Principle
I Got Plenty o' Nuttin'
Pointlessness Is Better than Listlessness
The Essence of Dependent Object Types
Linear lambda-mu Is CP (more or less)
A Reaction on types
The Essence of Multi-Stage Evaluation in LMS
1ML with Special Effects
The Computer Scientist Nightmare
A Branding Strategy for Business Types
The Recursive Union of Some Gradual Types
A Delta for Hybrid Type Checking
Certifying Data in Multiparty Session Types
Recursion Equations as a Programming Language.

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