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Samuel Boissière, Andrea Cattaneo, Marc Nieper-Wisskirchen, and Alessandra Sarti: The automorphism group of the Hilbert scheme of two points on a generic projective K3 surface
Igor Dolgachev: Orbital counting of curves on algebraic surfaces and sphere packings
V. Gritsenko and K. Hulek: Moduli of polarized Enriques surfaces
Brendan Hassett and Yuri Tschinkel: Extremal rays and automorphisms of holomorphic symplectic varieties
Gert Heckman and Sander Rieken: An odd presentation for W(E_6)
S. Katz, A. Klemm, and R. Pandharipande, with an appendix by R. P. Thomas: On the motivic stable pairs invariants of K3 surfaces
Shigeyuki Kondö: The Igusa quartic and Borcherds products
Christian Liedtke: Lectures on supersingular K3 surfaces and the crystalline Torelli theorem
Daisuke Matsushita: On deformations of Lagrangian fibrations
G. Oberdieck and R. Pandharipande: Curve counting on K3 x E, the Igusa cusp form X_10, and descendent integration
Keiji Oguiso: Simple abelian varieties and primitive automorphisms of null entropy of surfaces
Ichiro Shimada: The automorphism groups of certain singular K3 surfaces and an Enriques surface
Alessandro Verra: Geometry of genus 8 Nikulin surfaces and rationality of their moduli
Claire Voisin: Remarks and questions on coisotropic subvarieties and 0-cycles of hyper-Kähler varieties.

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