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Coercion-Resistant Proxy Voting
A Posteriori Openable Public Key Encryption.-Multicast Delayed Authentication for Streaming Synchrophasor Data in the Smart Grid
Developing a Human Activity Model for Insider IS Security Breaches Using Action Design Research
Evaluating CVSS Base Score Using Vulnerability Rewards Programs
Defining Objectives For Preventing Cyberstalking
Using Process Invariants to Detect Cyber Attacks on a Water Treatment System
Expression and Enforcement of Security Policy for Virtual Resource Allocation in IaaS Cloud
Software Defined Networking Reactive Stateful Firewall
Teaching Phishing-Security: Which Way is Best?
On Gender Specific Perception of Data Sharing in Japan
TORPEDO: TOoltip-poweRed Phishing Email DetectiOn
SybilRadar: A Graph-Structure Based Framework for Sybil Detection in Online Social Networks
Collateral Damage of Facebook Apps: Friends, Providers, and Privacy Interdependence
Automated Source Code Instrumentation for Verifying Potential Vulnerabilities
An Information Flow-Based Taxonomy to Understand the Nature of Software Vulnerabilities
Dissecting the XSS Exploitation Techniques and Fuzzing Mechanisms of Blackbox Scanners
A Utility-Based Reputation Model for the Internet of Things
Advanced Remote Firmware Upgrades Using TPM 2.0
RegRSA: Using Registers as Buffers to Resist Memory Disclosure Attacks
Uncertain? No, it's Very Certain! Recovering the Key from Guessing Entropy Enhanced CPA
Advanced or Not? A Comparative Study of the Use of Anti-debugging and Anti-VM Techniques in Generic and Targeted Malware
NativeProtector: Protecting Android Applications by Isolating and Intercepting Third-Party Native Libraries
A Progress-Sensitive Flow-Sensitive Inlined Information-Flow Control Monitor
Deducing User Presence from Inter-Message Intervals in Home Automation Systems
Privacy by Design Principles in Design of New Generation Cognitive Assistive Technologies
A Trustless Privacy-Preserving Reputation System.

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