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A Benchmark Dataset for Human Activity Recognition and Ambient Assisted Living
An Enhanced Real Space through Temporally Connecting Real and Virtual Scenes
Detecting Social Interactions in Working Environments through Sensing Technologies
Estimation of the Optimum Speed to Minimize the Driver Stress Based on the Previous Behavior
Modelling Algorithms for Hierarchical Activity Discovery
Estimating the Physical Activity with Smartphones: Analysis of the Device Position and Comparison with GT3X+ Actigraph
An Application for Mobile Devices Focused on Clinical Decision Support: Diabetes Mellitus Case
Customized Normalization Method to enhance the Clustering process of Consumption Profiles
Dynamic Traffic Light Control System Based on Process Synchronization among Connected Vehicles
Developing an Individualized Survival Prediction Model for Colon Cancer
Providing Advanced Touristic Services by Means of Augmented Reality and Multimodal Dialog
Creating Virtual Humans with Game Engines for Evaluate Ambient Assisted Living Scenarios
Metabolic.Care: A Novel Solution Based on a Thermography for Detection of Diabetic Foot
Identification of Activities of Daily Living Using Sensors Available in Off-the-shelf Mobile Devices: Research and Hypothesis
Vox4Health: Preliminary Results of a Pilot Study for the Evaluation of a Mobile Voice Screening Application
Assessing Interpersonal Trust in an Ambient Intelligence Negotiation System
A Persuasive Cognitive Assistant System
Preliminary Study of Classifier Fusion based Indoor Positioning Method
Providing Wellness Services using Real Time Analytics
Smart Cities Simulation Environment for Intelligent Algorithms Evaluation
Hash-chain Based Authentication for IoT Devices and REST Web-Services
Smart Computer-Assisted Cognitive Rehabilitation for the Ageing Population
EEG Mapping for Arousal Level Quantification Using Dynamic Quadratic Entropy
ARISTARKO: A Software Framework for Physiological Data Acquisition
Vowel Recognition from RGB-D Facial Information.

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