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At a Glance; Contents; About the Authors; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgments; Preface; Chapter 1: Architecting Your Application with Spring, Hibernate, and Patterns; The Benefit of a Consistent Approach; The Significance of Dependency Injection; A Synergistic Partnership; The Story of Spring's and Hibernate's Success; A Better Approach for Integration; Best Practices for Architecting an Application; The Layers of a Persistence Tier; The Domain Model; The Data Access Object (DAO) Layer; The Service Layer; Leveraging Declarative Transactions.

Understanding Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)Simplifying Transactions; The Benefit of Coding to Interfaces; Testing Your Persistence Tier; Advanced Features and Performance Tuning; Hibernate Search; Hibernate Validator; Building a REST Web Service; Other Persistence Design Patterns; The Template Pattern; The Active-Record Pattern; Summary; Chapter 2: Spring Basics; Exploring Spring's Architecture; The Application Context; An XML-Based Approach; Code-Based Configuration; Beans, Beans, the Magical Fruit; The Spring Life Cycle; Understanding Bean Scopes.

Dependency Injection and Inversion of ControlSetter-Based Dependency Injection; Constructor-Based Dependency Injection; Instance Collaboration; Coding to Interfaces; Dependency Injection via Autowiring; Code-Based Dependency Injection; Set It and Forget It!; Injecting Code Using AOP and Interceptors; Summary; Chapter 3: Basic Application Setup; Application Management with Maven; Managed Dependencies; Standard Directory Structure; POM Deconstruction; Spring Configuration; Namespace Support; Externalizing Property Configurations; Component Scanning; Import Statements; Database Integration.

JDBC SupportIntegration with JNDI; Web Application Configuration; Servlet Definition; Spring MVC; Summary; Chapter 4: Persistence with Hibernate; The Evolution of Database Persistence in Java; EJB, JDO, and JPA; How Hibernate Fits In; JPA Interface Hierarchy; The Audio Manager Domain Model and DAO Structure; An @Entity-Annotated POJO; Simplified DAO Pattern with Generics; The Life Cycle of a JPA Entity; JPA Configuration; Bare-Bones JPA Setup; Spring Integration; Using the LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean; Querying and DAO Strategies; Looking at the JPA Criteria API.

Using the JPA 2.0 Criteria APIUsing QueryDSL; Integrating QueryDSL with Spring; Summary; Chapter 5: Domain Model Fundamentals; Understanding Associations; Building the Domain Model; Polymorphism in JPA; Convention over Configuration; Managing Entity Identifiers; Using Cascading Options to Establish Data Relationships; Adding Second-Level Caching; Using Polymorphism with Hibernate; Summary; Chapter 6: Transaction Management; The Joy of ACID; Understanding Isolation Levels; Serializable; Repeatable Read; Read Committed; Read Uncommitted; Controlling ACID Reflux; Platform Transaction Management.

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