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Next generation sequencing data analysis
An Efficient Algorithm for finding all pairs k-mismatch maximal common substrings
Poisson-Markov Mixture Model and Parallel Algorithm for Binning Massive and Heterogenous DNA Sequencing Reads
FSG: Fast String Grap Construction for De Novo Assembly of reads data 25
OVarCall: Bayesian Mutation Calling Method Utilizing Overlapping Paired-End Reads
High performance sensing of DNA hybridization on surface of self-organized MWCNT-arrays decorated by organometallic complexes
Towards a more accurate error model for BioNano optical maps
HapIso : An Accurate Method for the Haplotype-Specific Isoforms Reconstruction from Long Single-Molecule Reads
Protein-protein interactions and networks
Genome-Wide Structural Modeling of Protein-Protein Interactions
Identifying essential proteins by purifying protein interaction networks
Differential functional analysis and change motifs in gene networks to explore the role of anti-sense transcription
Predicting MicroRNA-disease associations by random walking on multiple networks
Progression Reconstruction from Unsynchronized Biological Data using Cluster Spanning Trees
Protein and RNA structure
Consistent visualization of multiple rigid domain decompositions of Proteins
A Multiagent Ab Initio Protein Structure Prediction Tool for Novices and Experts
Filling a protein scaffold with a reference
Mean values of gene duplication and loss cost functions
The SCJ small parsimony problem for weighted gene adjacencies
Path-Difference Median Trees
NEMo: An Evolutionary Model with Modularity for PPI Networks
Multi-Genome Scaffold Co-Assembly Based on the Analysis of Gene Orders and Genomic Repeats
Sequence and image analysis
Selectoscope: a modern web-app for positive selection analysis of genomic data
Methods for Genome-wide Analysis of MDR and XDR Tuberculosis from Belarus
Haplotype Inference for Pedigrees with Few Recombinations
Improved detection of 2D gel electrophoresis spots by using Gaussian mixture model
Abridged Track 2 abstracts
Predicting Combinative Drug Pairs via Integrating Heterogeneous Features for both Known and New Drugs
SkipCPP-Pred: Promising Prediction Method for Cell-Penetrating Peptides Using Adaptive k-skip-n-gram Features on a High-quality Dataset
CPredictor2.0: Effectively Detecting Both Small and Large Complexes from Protein-Protein Interaction Networks
Structural Insights into Antiapoptotic Activation of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL
Mediated by FKBP38 and tBid
VAliBS: a visual aligner for bisulfite sequences
MegaGTA: a sensitive and accurate metagenomic Gene-Targeted Assembler using iterative de Bruijn graphs
EnhancerDBN: An Enhancer Prediction Method Based on Deep Belief Network
An improved burden-test pipeline for cancer sequencing data
Modeling and Simulation of Specific Production of Trans10, cis12-Conjugated Linoleic Acid in the Biosynthetic Pathway
Dynamic protein complex identification in uncertain protein-protein interaction networks
Predicting lncRNA-Protein Interactions Based on Protein-Protein Similarity Network Fusion
DCJ-RNA: Double Cut and Join for RNA Secondary Structures Using a Component-Based Representation
Improve Short Read Homology Search using Paired-End Read Information
Framework for integration of genome and exome data for more accurate identification of somatic variants
Semantic Biclustering: a New Way to Analyze and Interpret Gene Expression Data
Epistasis Analysis of microRNAs in Colon Cancer Using Empirical Bayesian Elastic Nets
Tractable Kinetics of RNA-Ligand Interaction
MitoDel: A Method to Detect and Quantify Mitochondrial DNA Deletions from Next-Generation Sequence Data
TRANScendence: transposable elements database and de-novo mining tool allows inferring TEs activity chronology
Phylogeny Reconstruction from Whole-Genome Data using Variable Length Binary Encoding.

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