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Chapter 1. Epidemiology of hypertension and brain disease
Chapter 2. Comorbidities often associated to brain damage in hypertension: Dyslipidemia
Chapter 3. Comorbidities often associated to brain damage in hypertension: Smoking habits and alcohol intake
Chapter 4. Comorbidities often associated to brain damage in hypertension: CAD, CKD and SAOS
Chapter 5. Pathophysiology of brain damage in hypertension: small vessel disease
Chapter 6. Pathophysiology of brain damage in hypertension: large artery disease
Chapter 7. Hypertension and ischemic stroke
Chapter 8. Hypertension and hemorrhagic stroke
Chapter 9. Imaging techniques for detection and diagnosis of brain damage
Chapter 10. Primary prevention of stroke
Chapter 11. Management of high blood pressure in acute ischemic stroke
Chapter 12. Management of high blood pressure in acute hemorrhagic stroke
Chapter 13. Secondary prevention of stroke
Chapter 14. Hypertension and subjective cognitive failures
Chapter 15. Hypertension, cognitive decline and dementia.

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