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Preface.How Did They Do It?- Introduction.Making It New with the Beatles
Part I.The Beatles in/as History
1.'Getting Better': The Beatles and the Angry Young Men
2.English Gardens, Mystery Trips, and Songs Your Mother Should Know: The Beatles and British Nostalgia in 1967
3.Blackbird Singing: Paul McCartney's Romance of Racial Harmony and Post-Racial America
Part II.Artistry and the Beatles
4.'Beatle Country': A Bluegrass 'Concept Album' from 1966
5.Spatial Counterpoint and the Impossible Experience of 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'
6.Blue Jay Way: The Imagery of Pure Consciousness in Select Beatles Songs
7.George Harrison and the Influence of American Popular Song
Part III.Fandom and the Beatles
8.The Beatles Christmas Records ... Unwrapped: A Closer Look at the Fan Club Discs
9.'She Said She Said': How Women Have Transformed from Fans to Authors in Beatles History
10.Crying, Waiting, Hoping: The Beatles, Girl Culture, and the Melodramatic Mode
11.Revolution 2.0: Beatle Fan Scholarship and the Digital Age
12.The Beatles in the Classroom: John, Paul, George, and Ringo Go to College
13.The John Lennon Series and 'Factional' Narrative Biography. .

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