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A Holistic, Interdisciplinary Decision Support System for Sustainable Smart City Design
A Status of Energy Efficient LED Based Traffic Lamps in Istanbul
An ICT-based Reference Model for E-grocery in Smart Cities
Behavioral Factors in City Logistics from an Operations Research Perspective
Comparing Wireless Traffic Tracking with Regular Traffic Control Systems for the Detection of Congestions in Streets
Cooperative Lane-Change and Longitudinal Behaviour Model Extension for TraffSim
CTPATH: A Real World System to Enable Green Transportation by Optimizing Environmentaly Friendly Routing Paths
Electrifying Last-Mile Deliveries: a Carbon Footprint Comparison between Internal Combustion Engine and Electric Vehicles
How to Incorporate Urban Complexity, Diversity and Intelligence into Smart Cities Initiatives
Mapping Smart Cities Situation. +CITIES: The Spanish Case
Mixed Integer Linear Programming Formulation for the Taxi Sharing Problem
Night Time and Low Visibility Driving Assistance Based on the Application of Colour and Geometrical Features Extraction
Operationalising the Concept of the Smart City as a Local Innovation Platform: The City of Things Lab in Antwerp, Belgium
Smart Agents and Fog Computing for Smart City Applications
Smart Mobility by Optimizing the Tra_c Lights: A New Tool for Traffic Control Centers
Stakeholders Approach to Smart Cities: a Survey on Smart City Definitions.

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