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Chapter 1. Introduction
Part I A Review of Beijing's Urban Development and the Relevant Literature of the Study
Chapter 2. A Review of Beijing's Urban Development in the 20th Century
Chapter 3. A Review of the Literature concerning Urban Structure
Part II The Traditional Courtyard House and Beijing's Old City (mainly focus on Beijing's urban physical structure)
Chapter 4. The Decline of the Courtyard House and the Large-scale Redevelopment of the Old City
Chapter 5. Protecting Beijing's Old City by Establishing a Polycentric Urban.-Structure of the City
Part III From Homogeneous Residence to Segregated Residence (mainly focus on Beijing's urban social structure)
Chapter 6. The Homogeneous Residence under the Planned Economy
Chapter 7. The Segregated Residence under the Market Economy
Chapter 8. Diminishing Beijing's Residential Segregation by Improving its Housing Security System
Part IV Conclusion
Chapter 9. Conclusion
Appendix I An Investigation of the Living Conditions within the Traditional
Residential Districts in Beijing's Old City Proper
Appendix II An Investigation into the Costs and Benefits of the Redevelopment Projects in Beijing's Old City Proper.

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