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Dedication; Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgments; Contents; Editors and List of Contributors; Chapter 1: Brazilian Beach Systems: Introduction; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Brazilian Beaches; 1.2.1 Beach Types and States; 1.2.2 Brazilian Beach Studies; 1.2.3 Issues Facing Brazilian Beaches; Coastal Management; Coastal Processes; Beach Safety; 1.3 Brazilian Coastal Classification ; 1.4 Brazilian Coastal Regions; 1.4.1 The Amazon Delta Mud Coast; 1.4.2 Tide-Dominated Barriers & Estuaries of Pará-Maranhão; 1.4.3 Northern Tide-Modified  Barrier Coast

1.4.4 North eastern Wave-Dominated  Beachrock Coast1.4.5 Eastern Wave-Dominated Deltaic Coast; 1.4.6 Southeast Wave-Dominated Rocky-Embayed Coast; 1.4.7 Southern Wave-Dominated Barrier Coast; 1.5 Summary and Conclusions; References; Chapter 2: Brazilian Coastal Processes: Wind, Wave Climate and Sea Level; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Data Review; 2.2.1 Waves; 2.2.2 Tides; 1st Period (1910-1980); 2nd Period (1990s); 3rd Period: The Present; 2.3 South Atlantic Wind Systems; 2.3.1 Spatial and Temporal Variability; 2.4 Brazilian Wave Climate: Spatial and Temporal Variability

2.4.1 Mean Waves2.4.2 Extreme Waves; 2.5 Astronomical Tide Range Along the Brazilian Coast; 2.6 Storm Surge Along the Brazilian Coast; 2.6.1 Spatial Variability; 2.7 Coastal Flooding; 2.7.1 Methodology Differences; 2.8 SMC-Brasil: Hindcast Dynamic Databases and a Coastal Process Numerical Tools; 2.8.1 Introduction; 2.8.2 SMC-Brasil; 2.8.3 System Skills; 2.9 Summary and Conclusions; Appendix 1: Massaguaçu Beach SMC-Brasil Case Study; References; Chapter 3: Beaches of the Amazon Coast: Amapá and West Pará; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 The Amazon Coastal Environment; 3.2.1 Geology and Physiography

3.2.2 Climate3.2.3 Fluvial Processes; 3.2.4 Sediment Discharge; 3.2.5 Coastal Processes; Tides; Waves ; Coastal Currents; 3.3 Amazon Beach Systems; 3.3.1 Northern Amapá Coast (Including Ilha de Maracá); 3.3.2 Southern Amapá Amazon River Coast; 3.3.3 Pará-Amazon Riverine-Island Shores; 3.3.4 Marajó Island - North Coast; 3.3.5 Marajó Island - East Coast (Marajó Bay); 3.4 Discussion and Conclusion; References; Chapter 4: Coastal Morphodynamic Processes on the Macro-Tidal Beaches of Pará State Under Tidally-Modulated Wave Conditions; 4.1 Introduction

4.2 Coastal Geomorphology4.3 Coastal Processes; 4.3.1 Climate; 4.3.2 Waves; 4.3.3 Tides; 4.3.4 Wave-Tide Interactions; 4.4 Coastal Sections; 4.4.1 The Pará Coastal Sections; 4.4.2 The Barrier Island Beaches; 4.5 Beach Morphodynamics; 4.5.1 Tidal Modulation of Processes; 4.5.2 Tidal Modulation of Beach Morphodynamics; 4.6 Physical Hazards; 4.6.1 Beach Population; 4.6.2 High Waves; 4.6.3 Macro-Tides; 4.6.4 Intertidal Rocks; 4.6.5 Hazards to Property; 4.6.6 Beach Pollution; 4.6.7 Beach Vehicles; 4.7 Recreational Use; 4.8 Beach Development and Management; 4.9 Conclusions; References

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