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Corresponding main metallogenic epochs to key geological events in the North China Craton: an example for secular changes in the evolving Earth
Archean continental crust in the southern North China Craton
Structural architecture and spatial-temporal distribution of the Archean domains in the Eastern North China craton
Formation ages and environments of Early Precambrian banded iron formation in the North China Craton
Neoarchean banded iron formations in the North China Craton: geology, geochemistry and its implications
Archean continental crustal accretion and banded iron formations, Southeastern North China Craton
Paleoproterozoic gneissic granites in the Liaoji mobile belt, North China Craton: implications for tectonic setting
Genetic mechanism and metamorphic evolution of Khondalite series within the Paleoproterozoic mobile belts, North China Craton
Paleoproterozoic copper system in the Zhongtiaoshan region, southern margin of the North China Craton: ore geology, fluid inclusion, and isotopic investigation
The Paleoproterozoic continental evolution in the southern North China Craton: Constrains from magmatism and sedimentation
The Great Oxidation Event and its records in North China Craton
Early Paleoproterozoic metallogenic explosion in North China Craton
A genetic link between Paleoproterozoic Yuanjiacun BIF and the Great Oxidation Event in North China Craton
Magmatic records of the late Paleoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic extensional and rifting events in the North China Craton: a preliminary review
Meso-Neoproterozoic stratigraphic and tectonic framework of the North China Craton
Petrogenesis and tectonic significance of the late Paleoproterozoic to early Mesoproterozoic (̃1.80-1.53 Ga) A-type granites in the southern margin of the North China Craton
Insights into the ore genesis of the giant Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe deposit and the Mesoproterozoic rifting events in the northern North China Craton
Paleozoic to early Mesozoic tectonics of North China Craton
Two-stage extensional pattern in the North China-Mongolian tract during late Mesozoic: insights from the spatial and temporal distribution of magmatic domes and metamorphic core complexes
Mesozoic Mo deposits in northern North China Craton
Late Mesozoic gold mineralization in the North China Craton
Lower crustal accretion and reworking beneath the North China Craton: Evidences from granulite xenoliths.

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