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Preface; Team IC3T 2015; Contents; About the Editors; 1 Gesture Controlled Wireless Device for Disabled; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Approach Used; 2.1 Transmitter Block Diagram; 2.2 Receiver Block Diagram; 3 Working; 3.1 Robot Body; 3.2 Transmitter; 3.3 Receiver; 4 Experimental Results; 5 Conclusion; 6 Future Works; References; 2 Implementation of Genetic Algorithm for Optimization of Network Route; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Genetic Algorithm; 1.2 Optimization; 1.3 Problem Formulation and Implementation; 2 Methodology and Results; 3 Conclusions; References.

3 An Investigation of Gabor PCA and Different Similarity Measure Techniques for Image ClassificationAbstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Proposed Methodology; 2.1 Principal Component Analysis; 2.2 Modular Principal Component Analysis; 2.3 Kernel Principal Component Analysis; 2.4 Gabor Principal Component Analysis; 3 Classification; 3.1 Similarity Measures; 3.2 Neural Networks; 4 Experimental Results and Performance Analysis; 5 Discussion and Conclusion; References; 4 A Low-Power High-Speed Double Manchester Carry Chain with Carry-Skip Using D3L; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Manchester Carry Chain.

2.1 Double Chain Footless Domino MCC (DMCC)3 Double MCC with Carry-Skip Capability (DMCC-Skip); 4 Proposed Structure of Double MCC with Carry-Skip Capability Using Data-Driven Logic (DMCC-Skip D3L); 5 Simulation Results; 6 Conclusion; References; 5 Study and Analysis of Electrocardiography Signals for Computation of R Peak Value for Sleep Apnea Patient; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Sleep Apnea; 3 Corpus; 4 Methodology; 5 Result Analysis; 6 Conclusion; Acknowledgments; References; 6 Design and Implementation of Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Vehicle Using Accelerometer and Fuzzy Logic; Abstract.

1 Introduction2 System Overview; 2.1 System Design; 3 Modeling; 4 Control Strategy; 5 Result Analysis; 5.1 Software Results; 5.2 Hardware Implementation Result; 6 Conclusion and Future Scope; References; 7 A Time Efficient Secret Image Sharing Scheme for Group Authentication System Without Pixel Expansions; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Preliminaries; 2.1 Image; 2.2 Input Image; 2.3 Outputs; 2.4 Division Algorithm; 3 Proposed Method; 4 Experimental Results; 5 Conclusion; References; 8 Imputation of Missing Gene Expressions for DNA Microarray Using Particle Swarm Optimization; Abstract.

1 Introduction1.1 System and Method; 1.2 Singular Value Decomposition; 1.3 Bayesian Principal Component Analysis (BPCA); 1.4 Local Least Squares (LLS); 2 Proposed Methodology; 2.1 Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Imputation; 2.2 K Nearest Neighbor-Impute Method; 2.3 Row Average Method; 2.4 Results; 3 Conclusion and Future Work; References; 9 Deep Belief Network Based Part-of-Speech Tagger for Telugu Language; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Related Works; 3 Background; 3.1 Deep Belief Networks; 3.2 Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs); 3.3 Neural Networks; 4 Methodology.

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