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The Anglo-German naval race, 1898-1914 / Matthew S. Seligmann
Land armaments in Europe, 1866-1914 / David Stevenson
Land armaments, 1919-1941 / Evan Mawdsley
Naval armaments competition between the two world wars / Joseph Maiolo
Aircraft and the arms race between the world wars / Richard Overy
The United States and the Cold War arms race / Timothy Hoyt
The Soviet Union and the Cold War arms race / Sergey Radchenko
The Cold War arms race: forces beyond the superpowers / Vojtech Mastny
Arms races and the Arab-Israeli conflict / Avi Kober
Arms and assistance in South Asia 1953-1965: why racing alone explains little / Rudra Chaudhuri
Racing from behind: China and the dynamics of arms chases and races in East Asia in the twenty-first century / Tai Ming Cheung
Armaments developments since the Cold War / Thomas Mahnken.

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