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Enhancing capacities for child participation: introduction / Tali Gal and Benedetta Faedi Duramy
1. A feminist perspective on children and law: from objectification to relational subjectivity / Laura A. Rosenbury
Part I. Child Participation in Education and Research Settings: 2. Inclusion and participation in special education processes in Ontario, Canada / Mona Paré; 3. Implementing the principle of child participation: Pupils' participation in placement committees in Israel / Eran Uziely; 4. Children and young people's participation in research / Nigel Thomas
Part II. Child Participation in Family Disputes: 5. Implementation of Article 12 in family law proceedings in Ireland and New Zealand: lessons learned and messages for going forward / Aisling Parkes; 6. Judicial interviews of children in Canada's family courts: growing acceptance but still controversial / Nicholas Bala, Rachel Birnbaum, and Francine Cyr; 7. Children's participation in Israeli family courts: an account of an ongoing learning process / Tamar Morag and Yoa Sorek
Part III. Participatory Mechanisms for Children at Risk: 8. Inclusive and respectful relationships as the basis for child inclusive policies and practice: the experience of children in out-of-home care in Australia / Sharon Bessel; 9. Child and family team meetings: the need for youth participation in educational success / Jodi Hall, Joan Pennell, and R.V. Rikard; 10. Teen experiences of exclusion, inclusion and participation in child protection and youth justice in Vermont / Gale Burford and Sarah Gallagher; 11. Professionals' conceptions of "children," "childhood" and "participation" in an Australian family relationship services sector organization / Anne Graham, Robyn Fitzgerald, and Judith Cashmore
Part IV. Child Participation in the Criminal Process: 12. Teen courts: children participating in justice / Lynne Marie Kohm; 13. The developmental stakes of youth participation in American juvenile court / Emily Buss; 14. Benefits of restorative reentry circles for children of incarcerated parents in Hawai'i / Lorenn Walker, Cheri Tarutani, and Diana McKibben
Part V. Child Participation in the Public Sphere: 15. Face to face: children and young people's right to participate in public decision-making / Chelsea Marshall, Bronagh Byrne, and Laura Lundy; 16. Addressing the challenges of children and young people's participation: considering time and space / E. Kay M. Tisdall; 17. Child participation in monitoring the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child / Tara M. Collins; 18. Children's participation in Haiti / Benedetta Faedi Duramy
19. Conclusion: from social exclusion to childiInclusive policies: toward an ecological model of child participation / Tali Gal.

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