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Abstract; 1 Storm Water Treatment; Abstract; 1.1 Overview; 1.2 Common Structural Treatment Measures; 1.2.1 Gross Pollutant Traps; 1.2.2 Vegetated Swales/Bioretention Swales; 1.2.3 Detention/Retention Basins; 1.2.4 Infiltration Systems; 1.2.5 Bioretention Basins; 1.2.6 Constructed Wetlands; 1.3 Summary; References; 2 Creating Conceptual Models of Treatment Systems; Abstract; 2.1 Background; 2.2 Study Sites; 2.3 Conceptual Model for a Bioretention Basin; 2.3.1 Description of the Bioretention Basin; 2.3.2 Model Set-up; Principles and Assumptions Adopted for the Model Modelling Water Flow2.3.2.3 Modelling the Flow Through Perforated Pipes to Outlet; 2.3.3 Model Calibration; 2.3.4 Generating Hydraulic Factors from the Model; 2.4 Conceptual Model for a Constructed Wetland; 2.4.1 Description of the Constructed Wetland; 2.4.2 Model Set-up; The Principles and Assumptions Adopted for the Model; Generating the Volume Versus Depth Curve; Flow Through Wetland Cells and Bypass; Modelling the Outlet; Percolation, Evapotranspiration and Direct Precipitation; 2.4.3 Model Calibration

2.4.4 Generating Hydraulic Factors from the Model2.5 Summary; References; 3 Assessing Bioretention Basin Treatment Performance; Abstract; 3.1 Background; 3.2 Hydrologic/Hydraulic Factors Selection; 3.3 Relationship Between Water Quality Treatment and Hydrologic/Hydraulic Factors; 3.4 Analysis of Water Quality Treatment Performance; 3.5 Conclusions; References; 4 Assessing Constructed Wetland Treatment Performance; Abstract; 4.1 Background; 4.2 Selection of Hydrologic/Hydraulic Factors and Determination of Section Parameters; 4.2.1 Selection of Hydrologic/Hydraulic Factors

4.2.2 Determination of Section Parameters4.3 Preliminary Investigation; 4.4 Analysis of Different Rainfall Hydrograph Sectors; 4.5 Comparison of Treatment Characteristics for Different Sectors of the Inflow Runoff Hydrograph; 4.6 Relationships Between Hydrologic/Hydraulic Factors and Treatment Performance; 4.7 Conclusions; References; 5 Implications for Engineering Practice; Abstract; 5.1 Background; 5.2 Application to Engineering Practice; 5.2.1 Bioretention Basins; 5.2.2 Constructed Wetlands; 5.3 Knowledge Gaps for Future Research

5.3.1 Investigation of the Removal of Other Common Storm Water Pollutants5.3.2 Investigating Other Typical Storm Water Treatment Systems; 5.3.3 Laboratory Scale Models to Investigate Relationship Between Hydraulic Factors and Water Quality Treatment Performance; References; Appendix A: Generating Wetland Volume Versus Depth Correlation Model; Appendix B: Data Analysis Techniques; Index

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