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Preface to the Series; Foreword; Preface; Suggested Readings; Contents; Part I: Epidemiology; 1: Changing Epidemiology of Congenital Heart Disease; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Incidence and Birth Prevalence; 1.3 Prevalence of Congenital Heart Disease in Children, Adolescents, and Adults; 1.4 Mortality, Survival, and Life Expectancy; 1.5 Sex and Gender Differences in Disease Distribution and Outcomes; 1.6 Specialized Adult Congenital Heart Disease Care: The Adolescent Perspective; 1.7 Summary and Conclusions; References; 2: Cardiac Issues in Adolescents with Congenital Heart Disease

2.1 Introduction2.2 Arrhythmia; 2.3 Heart Failure; 2.4 Infective Endocarditis; 2.5 Pulmonary Hypertension; 2.5.1 Re-interventions; References; Part II: Anatomy and Physiology; 3: Physical Changes in Adolescence; 3.1 Growth During Adolescence; 3.2 The Cardiovascular System During Adolescence; 3.2.1 Cardiovascular Structures; 3.2.2 Heart Rate and Blood Pressure During Adolescence; Heart Rate; Blood Pressure; 3.2.3 The ECG During Adolescence; 3.2.4 The Exercise Test During Adolescence; 3.3 Cardiovascular Disease Influencing Growth and Adolescence; 3.3.1 Growth

3.3.2 Delayed Puberty Conclusion; References; 4: Cardiac and Exercise Physiology in Adolescence; 4.1 Exercise Physiology in Adolescents; 4.1.1 Oxygen Uptake (VO2); 4.1.2 Ventilatory Response to Exercise (VE/VCO2 Slope); 4.1.3 Heart Rate; 4.1.4 Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER); 4.2 Exercise Limitations in Adolescents with CHD; 4.2.1 Inability to Increase Stroke Volume; 4.2.2 Chronotropic Incompetence; 4.2.3 Systemic Right Ventricle; 4.2.4 Cyanosis; 4.2.5 Failing Subpulmonary Right Ventricle; 4.2.6 Ventilatory Limitations; 4.2.7 Physical Inactivity and Overprotection

4.3 Physical Activity and Sport in Adolescents with CHD4.4 Interest of Adolescents in Sports; References; Part III: Adolescence; 5: Neurological and Psychosocial Development in Adolescence; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Normal Brain Development in Adolescents and Its Relation to Cognitive Functioning; 5.2.1 White and Gray Matter; 5.2.2 Cortical Thickness; 5.2.3 Sex Differences; 5.2.4 Functional Development; 5.2.5 Conclusion of Normal Brain Development in Adolescence; 5.3 Neurodevelopment in Adolescents with CHD; 5.3.1 Neuropsychological Development; 5.3.2 Structural Brain Development

5.3.3 Relationship Between Brain Imaging and Cognitive Functioning5.3.4 Conclusion; 5.4 Psychosocial Development; 5.4.1 Developmental Tasks in Adolescence and Young Adulthood; 5.4.2 Emerging Adulthood; 5.4.3 Developmental Tasks in Chronic Illness; 5.4.4 Implications for Clinical Practice; References; 6: Adolescent Behavior; 6.1 Risk Behavior; 6.1.1 Substance Use; 6.1.2 Tattoos and Piercings; 6.1.3 Sexual Behavior; 6.2 Sexuality; 6.2.1 Sexual Debut; 6.2.2 Contraception and Pregnancy; 6.2.3 Knowledge of Sexual and Reproductive Health

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