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Prologue; Acknowledgements; Contents; List of Figures; List of Table; Abstract; 1 Aswan High Dam Resettlement of Egyptian Nubians; 1 Introduction; 2 Egyptian Nubian Resettlement in the Context of Global Dam-Induced Resettlement; 3 Egyptian Nubia Before the High Dam; 4 Stage 1: Planning Resettlement (This Section Draws Heavily on Fahim 1968 and El-Abd 1979); 4.1 Government Planning; 4.2 Nubian Reactions to Resettlement; 5 Stage 2: Physical Removal, Multi-Dimensional Stress and Initial Adaptation; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Physical Removal; 5.3 The Multidimensional Stress of Resettlement

5.4 Kom Ombo Housing and Villages5.5 Initial Coping with Adversity During Stage 2; 5.6 Government Reactions to Inadequate Implementation; 6 Stage 3: Economic and Community Development; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 1970s; 6.3 1980s; 6.3.1 Ethnicity and Socio-Cultural Change; 6.3.2 Land Use; 7 Nubia Today-Stage 4: Handing Over and Incorporation; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Nubian Livelihood, Society and Culture in the Twenty-First Century; 7.2.1 Introduction; 7.2.2 Egyptian Nubian Interrelationships with the Nation State; 7.3 The Situation in Kom Ombo; 7.3.1 Housing and Cash Compensation; 7.3.2 Land Use

7.3.3 Identity7.3.4 Living Standards; 7.4 Culture Change and Continuity; 7.5 The Right to Return; 7.6 Nubian Efforts to Return to the Shores of Lake Nasser; 7.7 Kakkar; 8 Old Nubia and Lake Nasser Today; 8.1 Introduction; 8.2 "New Land, New Life" Project March 2010; 8.3 Adaption Fund: Proposal for Egypt, August 31, 2011; 9 Summary; 9.1 The Egyptian Nubian Resettlement Process; 9.2 Political Will and the Need for the Government to Address Current Nubian Complaints; 9.3 Financing; 9.4 Capacity

9.5 The Importance of Participation for Avoiding Mistakes, for Reducing Dependency, and for Decreasing the Length and Stress Associated with Stage 29.6 Development Opportunities; References

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