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Preface; Contents; Contributors; Editor's Biography; Part I: Spectroscopic and Spectrometric Techniques; Chapter 1: UV/Vis Spectrophotometry and UV Imaging; 1 Introduction; 2 Principles of Measurement; 2.1 Lambert-Beerś Law; 2.2 Deviations from Lambert-Beerś Law and Sources of Error; 3 Instrumentation; 3.1 Single Beam Spectrophotometers; 3.2 Double Beam Spectrophotometers; 3.3 Photodiode Array and Charge-Coupled Device Spectrophotometers; 3.3.1 Micro-volume Spectrophotometers; 3.3.2 UV Fiber Optic Probes; 3.4 UV Imaging; 4 Applications of UV/Visible Spectrophotometry

4.1 Qualitative Analysis4.2 Quantitative Analysis; 4.3 Physicochemical Properties; 4.3.1 pKa Values; 4.3.2 Equilibrium Constants and Complexation; 4.3.3 Kinetics and Reaction Monitoring; 4.3.4 Dissolution Testing; 5 Applications of UV Imaging; 5.1 Drug Dissolution; 5.2 Drug Diffusion and Release; 6 Conclusions and Perspectives; References; Chapter 2: Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Basic Foundations and Methods; 1 A Brief Historical Overview; 2 Foundations of the Fluorescence Phenomenon and Typical Fluorescent Parameters; 2.1 Absorption and the Beer-Lambert Law

2.2 Fluorescence Lifetimes and Fluorescence Quantum Yields2.3 Fluorescence Emission Spectra; 2.4 Fluorescence Excitation Spectra; 2.5 Fluorescence Polarization; 2.6 Other Useful Fluorescence Related Methods; 2.6.1 Quenching of Fluorescence; 2.6.2 Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET); 2.6.3 Fluorescence Fluctuations-Based Approaches; 3 Fluorescence Markers and Reporters; 4 Some Instrumental Considerations; 4.1 Steady State Fluorescence Excitation and Emission Spectra; 4.2 Fluorescence Lifetimes; 5 Pharmaceutical Applications

5.1 Human Serum Albumin: Drug Interactions Studied by Fluorescence Methods5.2 Do Liposomes Penetrate Skin?; 6 Concluding Remarks; References; Chapter 3: Mid and Near Infrared Spectroscopy; 1 Theoretical Background, Instrumentation and Data Analysis; 1.1 The Origin of Mid and Near Infrared Spectra; 1.2 MIR Instrumentation and Sampling; 1.3 NIR Instrumentation and Sampling; 1.4 Spectral Data Analysis; 2 Practical Challenges of Multivariate NIR Method Implementation; 2.1 Qualitative Analysis; 2.2 Quantitative Analysis

3 Application in Solid-State Characterization of Drug Molecules and Excipients3.1 Determination of Water Content and Hydration State; 3.2 Identification and Quantification of Polymorphic Forms; 3.3 Cocrystal Characterization; 3.4 Assessment of Crystallinity and Amorphous State; 4 Use as Real-Time PAT Tools in Drug Substance Manufacture; 4.1 Reaction Monitoring; 4.2 Crystallization; 4.3 Drying; 5 Application on Solid Oral Dosage Forms; 5.1 Molecular Characterization of Solid Dispersions; 5.2 Challenges of Particle Size Determination; 5.3 Nondestructive Tablet Hardness Testing

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