

The rise of finance
The fall of business: bean counters versus car guys
Frederick Winslow Taylor, Robert McNamara, and the financialization of industry
What an MBA won't teach you: how business education is failing American businesses
Barbarians at the gate: Apple, Carl Icahn, and the rise of shareholder activism
We're all bankers now: GE and the story of how American business came to emulate finance
Financial weapons of mass destruction: commodities, derivatives, and how Wall Street created a food crisis
When Wall Street owns Main Street: private equity, shadow banking, and how finance reaped the benefits of the housing recovery
The end of retirement: how Wall Street ate our nest eggs
The artful dodgers: how our tax code rewards the takers instead f the makers
The revolving door: how Washington favors Wall Street over Main Street
How to put finance back in service to business and society.

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