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Preface; Acknowledgments; Contents; Part I About the Author and the Framework of the Book ; 1 Professional Biography of the Author: A Life in Peace Learning; 2 Reardon's Publications: Archived in the Ward M. Canaday Center for Special Collections, The University of Toledo; 3 Organization and Rationale for the Selection of the Texts in This Volume; Part II Generations of Reardon's Professional Formation and Practice as Reflected inSelected Essays: First Generation-TheFoundations 1963-1985; 4 The World Law Fund: World Approach to International Education; 4.1 ... National Interest and Curriculum.

4.2 ... The Ambiguities of Understanding4.3 ... World Order in the Curriculum; 4.4 ... Origin of the Fund; 4.5 ... Law as a Universal Experience; 4.6 ... The ''Models Project''; 4.7 ... An ''Emerging Discipline''; 4.8 ... Training the Teachers; 4.9 ... Summer Institutes; 4.10 ... Need for Readers; 4.11 ... An International Colloquium; 4.12 ... World Order Seminars; 4.13 ... LAWS and the Teacher; 4.14 ... Manuscripts and Syllabi; 4.15 ... The World Order Reader; 5 Transformations into Peace and Survival: Programs for the 1970s; 5.1 ... Introduction; 5.2 ... Meeting the Crises: A Revolution in Education; 5.3 ... World-Order Studies as Survival Curriculums.

5.4 ... Personal Identity and World Civilization5.5 ... Language Facility for a Multicultural Community; 5.6 ... Decolonializing Education; 5.7 ... Systems Approach and Survival Skills; 5.8 ... Human Values and Moral Development; 5.9 ... Dialogues for Moral Decision Making; 5.10 ... Professional Responsibilities; 6 Conclusions from ''The Knowledge Industry''; 6.1 ... Introduction; 6.2 ... Conclusions and Recommendations; 6.2.1 Effects upon Development Ideology; 6.2.2 Working Within the System; 6.2.3 Entry Points for Change; 6.2.4 Approaches to Change; 7 Disarmament and Peace Education; 7.1 ... Emotions or Politics?

7.1.1 Public Values7.2 ... Global Interdependence; Part III Generations of Reardon's Professional Formation and Practice as Reflected inSelected Essays: Second Generation-TheFormation 1985-2000; 8 The Fundamental Purposes of a Pedagogy of Peace; 8.1 ... Introduction; 8.2 ... Teaching Toward the Development of Peacemaking Capacities; 8.3 ... Transformational Approaches to Learning; 9 Toward a Paradigm of Peace; 9.1 ... Preface; 9.2 ... Taming the Lion Within; 9.3 ... Peace as a Dynamic, Organic Process; 9.4 ... Peace Education as Life Enhancement; 9.5 ... Metaphors of Birth and Life.

9.6 ... Learning: Merger of Personal and Political, Means and Ends10 Learning Our Way to a Human Future; 10.1 ... Introduction; 10.2 ... The New Moment: The Educational Challenges and Opportunities; 10.3 ... What the New Moment Means for Learning: The Responsibilities of Educators; 10.4 ... The Particular Responsibilities of the United States and the Countries of the Former USSR for New Learning; 10.5 ... An Emerging Paradigm for Security and Community: Learning for a Transformed World Order; 10.6 ... The Project on Ecological and Cooperative Education: A Response to the Challenge of Learning to Transform.

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