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Preface; Contents; 1: Recognising and Resolving Conflicts; 1.1 Rift Between Company Founders; 1.2 What Is a Conflict?; 1.3 Conflicts Often Approach Quietly; 1.4 Conflict Analysis; 1.4.1 Setting Objectives in a Conflict Situation; 1.4.2 Types of Conflict; 1.4.3 Parties to the Conflict; 1.4.4 Conflict Progression and Escalation; 1.5 How to Conduct a Clarifying Conversation; 1.6 Conflicts in the Workplace: Curse or Blessing?; 1.6.1 Risks Arising from Conflicts; 1.6.2 Uses of Conflicts; 1.7 Excursus: Mobbing; 1.8 Rift Between Company Founders: What Happened Next

2: Traditional Methods of Conflict Management2.1 Differing Leadership Styles in the Management Team; 2.2 The Traditional Approach to Conflicts in Organisations; 2.2.1 Conflicts as Opposition Between Employer and Employee; The Development of Polarity Between Capital and Labour; The ``Industrial Conflict ́́from Todayś Perspective; Conflicts as Disruptive Factors in the ``Organisational Machine;́́ 2.2.2 Traditional Methods of Conflict Management; 2.2.3 Conflicts as Manifestation of Power Struggles and Micro Politics; 2.2.4 Excursus: Forms of Power Usage Positive and Negative Aspects of Power2.3 The Four Basic Forms of Conflict Management in Organisations; 2.3.1 Separative Measures; 2.3.2 Issue-Related Measures; 2.3.3 Individual-Related Measures; 2.3.4 Integrative Measures; 2.4 How Do Corporations Deal with Conflicts Today?; 2.4.1 Uses and Limitations of the Traditional Methods; 2.5 Conflict Management: The Holistic View; 2.6 Differing Leadership Styles in the Management Team: What Happened Next; 3: Complementary Forms of Conflict Management; 3.1 The Difficult Boss; 3.2 Basic Complementary Forms of Conflict Management; 3.2.1 Mediation

3.2.2 Moderation3.2.3 Supervision; 3.2.4 Coaching; 3.2.5 Team Development; 3.3 Organisational Development Versus Mediation?; 3.3.1 Organisational Development and Conflict Management; 3.3.2 Mediation Is Complementary to Organisational Development; 3.4 Integrative Forms of Conflict Management: Used too Rarely?; 3.4.1 Mediation Costs Time and Money; 3.4.2 Conflict Aversion; 3.4.3 Loss of Power and Control; 3.4.4 Fear of Discovery and Exposure; 3.4.5 Loss of Image Among Colleagues; 3.4.6 Lack of Know-how in Dealing with Conflicts

3.5 Consequences of the Rare Usage of Integrative Forms of Conflict Management3.6 The Difficult Boss: What Happened Next; 4: Mediation; 4.1 The Performance Appraisal; 4.2 Mediation: The Origins; 4.3 The Mediation Phase Model; 4.3.1 Pre-mediation Phase; Preliminary Talks; Conflict Analysis; Implementation Planning; 4.3.2 Parameter Definition Phase; 4.3.3 Issue Compilation; 4.3.4 Conflict Discussion; 4.3.5 Search for a Solution; 4.3.6 Agreement; 4.3.7 Post-mediation Phase; 4.4 The Performance Appraisal: What Happened Next; 5: Mediation Techniques

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