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Pragmatics Annotated Coloured Petri Nets for Protocol Software Generation and Verification
A Petri-Net-Based Approach to Model and Analyze the Management of Cloud Applications
Non-interference Notions Based on Reveals and Excludes Relations for Petri Nets
Validating DCCP Simultaneous Feature Negotiation Procedure
Integrating Petri Net Semantics in a Model-Driven Approach: The Renew Meta-modeling and Transformation Framework
Mining Conditional Partial Order Graphs from Event Logs
Conditions for Petri Net Solvable Binary Words
Self-Tracking Reloaded: Applying Process Mining to Personalized Health Care from Labeled Sensor Data
A Method for Assessing Parameter Impact on Control-Flow Discovery Algorithms
Negotiations and Petri Nets
A Formal Framework for Diagnostic Analysis for Errors of Business Processes
MCC 2015- The Fifth Model Checking Contest
Running LoLA 2.0 in a Model Checking Competition
MARCIE's Secrets of Efficient Model Checking
Symbolic Model Checker for Petri Nets: pnmc
TAPAAL and Reachability Analysis of P/T Nets.

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