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Dedication; Preface; Note; Contents; List of Figures; More Praise for The Last Mufti of Iranian Kurdistan; Part I; Chapter 1: Introduction; Introduction; Notes; Chapter 2: Sunni, Shia, andßKurd: AßBrief History ofßIslamism inßKurdistan; Islam inßKurdistan: ToßWhat End?; The Tribe andßthe Sheikh: Kurdish National Identity; Religious-Nationalist Rebellion inßKurdistan: AßFirst ofßIts Kind; The Mahabad Republic; A Short But Important Existence; The Sunni-Shia Divide; The Fire ofßRevolution That Never Spread; A Shia Revolution; Conclusion; Notes; Part II.

Chapter 3: The Muftis ofßIranian Kurdistan andßtheßDawning ofßanßActivistThe Mufti Institution; Qajar Era andßtheßFirst Moftis ofßKurdistan; Ahmad Moftizadeh's Early Years; News fromßHome; Tehran, andßaßMofti's Passing; Conclusion; Notes; Chapter 4: Prison Under theßPahlavi Regime, andßtheßLead Upßtoß1979; Moftizadeh Returns toßTehran withßtheßKDPI; Imprisonment forßSeparatist Activities, andßIdeological Transformation; Moftizadeh's Release andßReturn toßSanandaj; Out ofßTragedy, Moftizadeh Resumes Activism; Moftizadeh Regalvanized; The Unlikely Developments ofßaßSociety inßConflict.

Moftizadeh Is onßtheßAirThe Birth ofßaßSchool, Turned Movement; Conclusion; Notes; Chapter 5: Revolution, Kurdistan, andßtheßMaktab Quran Movement; News fromßTehran; A Speech at Iqbal Square; The Shah's Departure; Rebellion inßKurdistan; "The Promise ofßAutonomy Is inßMy Pocket"; A Constitutional Sham, andßaßFallout withßtheßRegime; The Hijrah; A War Imposed; Conclusion; Notes; Chapter 6: Letters fromßPrison: TheßLegacy ofßaßProgressive Islam ofßNonviolence; The Fall ofß1982; The Quran Is Alive; The Shura System ofßGovernance; The Practical Separation ofßIslam andßPolitics.

Nonviolence inßIslamThe Empowerment ofßWomen; No Compulsion inßReligion; The Poetry ofßMoftizadeh's Life, andßDeath; Maktab Quran Today: Continued Repression by Islamic Republic; Salafi? Political Islam? Moftizadeh inßtheßEra ofßTrendy Labels; Notes; Part III; Chapter 7: Ethnic andßReligious Implications inßtheßGreater Middle East; Introduction; Kurdistan asßaß"Natural Ally"; Kurdistan asßanßEffective Force forßPeace; Implications forßTurkey (and Syria) inßUncertain Times; Kurdish Guerrillas onßtheßTurkish-Syrian Border andßtheßFront Lines ofßHistory; Implications inßSyria (and Turkey).

Implications inßKurdistan, Northern IraqAn Essential, Democratic KRG; Iranian Kurdistan: Implications, 20 Years after Moftizadeh; A Truly Modern Iran; Conclusion: Toward aßPluralistic Middle East; Notes; Acknowledgments; References; Index.

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