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Acknowledgements; Contents; Contributors; Abbreviations; List of Figures; List of Tables; 1 The Making of Urban Food Deserts; Abstract; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 The African Revolution; 1.3 Food Insecurities of African Cities; 1.4 Urban Food Deserts; References; 2 The Mythology of Urban Agriculture; Abstract; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Methodology; 2.3 Rates of Urban Agriculture Engagement in Different Urban Contexts; 2.4 Effectiveness of UA as a Food Security Strategy; 2.5 Households Earning and Landholdings as Predictors of UA Effectiveness; 2.6 Conclusion; References.

3 The Spatial Logic of Supermarket Expansion and Food AccessAbstract; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Expansion of Supermarkets in Developing Countries; 3.3 Reasons for the Expansion of the Supermarket Sector; 3.4 Methodology; 3.5 Supermarket Location; 3.6 Location of Supermarkets Relative to Transport Routes; 3.7 Location of USave Supermarkets; 3.8 Conclusion; References; 4 Food Access and Insecurity in a Supermarket City; Abstract; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Profile of Surveyed Households; 4.3 Levels of Food Insecurity; 4.4 Sources of Food; 4.5 Conclusion; References.

5 Rapid Economic Growth and Urban Food InsecurityAbstract; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Survey Methodology; 5.3 Household Profile; 5.4 Levels of Food Insecurity; 5.5 Urban Food Sources; 5.6 Conclusion; References; 6 Food Insecurity, Poverty and Informality; Abstract; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Maputo's Informal Food Economy; 6.3 Food Security and Informal Food; 6.4 Food Sourcing in the Poverty Belt; 6.5 Participation in the Informal Economy; 6.6 Conclusion; References; 7 Food Insecurity in a State in Crisis; Abstract; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Background to the 2008 Crisis.

7.3 Household Food Insecurity in Harare7.4 Beyond 2008; 7.5 Conclusion; References; 8 Poverty and Uneven Food Security in Urban Slums; Abstract; 8.1 Introduction; 8.2 Study Methodology; 8.3 Predictors of Food Insecurity; 8.4 Conclusion; Acknowledgments; References; 9 Gender, Mobility and Food Security; Abstract; 9.1 Introduction; 9.2 Methodology; 9.3 Food Security Implications of Gendered Mobilities; 9.4 Food Sources, Mobility and Access; 9.5 Food Production, Gender and Mobilities; 9.6 Informal Livelihoods, Income and Economic Access to Food; 9.7 Conclusion; References.

10 Migration, Rural-Urban Linkages and Food InsecurityAbstract; 10.1 Introduction; 10.2 Rapid Urbanization in Namibia; 10.3 Migration to Windhoek; 10.4 Households of Migrants; 10.5 Migration and Food Insecurity; 10.6 Rural-Urban Migration and Informal Food Transfers; 10.7 Conclusion; References; 11 Wild Food Consumption and Urban Food Security; Abstract; 11.1 Introduction; 11.2 Methodology; 11.3 Wild Food Availability; 11.4 Wild Food Accessibility; 11.5 Coping Strategies; 11.6 Food Adequacy; 11.7 Conclusion; References; 12 Urban Food Insecurity and Social Protection; Abstract.

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