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Preface; Introduction; Contents; Contributors; Part I: The Normal Right Ventricle; Chapter 1: Normal Development and Morphology of the Right Ventricle: Clinical Relevance; Introduction; Cardiac Development and Impact on the RV; Positioning of the OFT: The Pulmonary Push Concept; Tricuspid Orifice Formation; Role of the Epicardium in Development of the Compact Myocardial Layer and Coronary Vascular Formation; Morphology Right Versus Left Ventricle (Fig. 1.5); Myocardial Architecture; Ventricular Septation; Clinical Considerations; References; Chapter 2: Physiology of the Right Ventricle.

Introduction with Evolutionary and Historical Perspectives Do the Laws of the Heart Apply to the RV?; Systolic Function; Coupling of Systolic Function to Afterload; RV-Arterial Coupling in Experimental Pulmonary Hypertension; Pharmacology of RV-Arterial Coupling; RV-Arterial Coupling Measurements in Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension; Simplified Methods for the Measurement of RV-Arterial Coupling; Volume Measurements; Pressure Measurements; Alternative Methods to Evaluate RV-Arterial Coupling; The Pump Function Graph; The Contractile Reserve.

Surrogate Measurements of RV-Arterial Coupling Diastolic Function; Ventricular Interaction; A Global View on RV Failure; Perspective; What Are the Priorities?; References; Chapter 3: The Neonatal Transition of the Right Ventricle; Introduction and Overview; Fetal Right Ventricular Metabolism, Structure, and Function; Oxygen Tension, Metabolism, and Substrate Utilization; Fetal RV Structure; Fetal RV Function; Preload; Afterload; Contractility and Cardiac Output; RV Transition and Postnatal Adaptation at Birth; Neonatal RV Structure; Neonatal RV Function; Preload; Afterload.

Contractility and Cardiac Output Neonatal RV Metabolism; RV Function in PPHN and Failure of Transition After Birth; Conclusions; References; Chapter 4: Advanced Imaging of the Right Ventricle; Overview of CMR Methods for the Study of RV Form and Function; Cine CMR for Analysis of RV Pump Function and Beyond; Phase Contrast CMR for Arterial and Intraventricular Blood Flow Analysis; Lt-Gd-Enhancement, T1-Mapping, and T1/T2 for the Study of Fibrotic Tissue, Inflammation, or Fat Infiltrates.

CMR Feature Tracking, Tissue Maps, and Tagging for Measuring Tissue Deformation and Regional Wall Motion MR Spectroscopy: A Research Tool for Imaging Cell Metabolism; Angiography, 3DWH, and Diffusion-Tensor Imaging for the Assessment of Anatomy at a Macro- and Microscopic Scale; Image Based Modeling; Differential Analysis of RV Form and Function by CMR; RV Systolic Pump Function at Rest and During Stress; RV Diastolic Function; RV Performance Beyond Pump Function; RV Tissue Characterization (Including Focal and Diffuse Fibrosis) and Perfusion; Pulmonary Vascular Function; References.

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