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Acknowledgements and Dedication; Abstract (English); Abstract (German); Table of Contents; List of Tables; List of Figures; List of Abbreviations; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Concept; 1.2 Terminology; 1.3 Research Model and Outline; 2 Background; 2.1 Digitisation and its Implications; 2.1.1 Systematisations; 2.1.2 Literature Review; 2.1.3 Summary: Implications of Digitisation; 2.2 Political Media Relations in the Digital Age; 2.3 Summary and Interim Conclusion; 3 Political Media Relations as an Elite Phenomenon: Theoretical Considerations and Implications

3.1 Political Media Relations and the Actors Defining Them3.2 Theoretical Considerations; 3.3 Summary and Implications; 4 Empirical Analyses: Perceptions and Adaptations of Digitisation; 4.1 Methodology; 4.2 Assumptions; 4.3 Perceptions of Digitisation; 4.3.1 Communication Professionals and their Professional Roles; 4.3.2 Perceptions of Change; 4.3.3 Summary and Interim Conclusion; 4.4 Adaptations of Digitisation; 4.4.1 New Means of Communication: Organisational Presences; 4.4.2 New Means of Communication: Communicative Exchange; 4.4.3 Communication Networks Between Politics and Media

4.4.4 Summary and Interim Conclusion5 Discussion, Conclusion & Outlook; 5.1 Perceptions and Adaptations of Digitisation; 5.2 Political Media Relations Online as an Elite Phenomenon; 5.3 Outlook; Literature; Appendix; List of Interviewees; Empirical Fact Sheet

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