Linked e-resources
Table of Contents
Section 1
Setting the scene
Scoping the deliberate professional, Franziska Trede and Celina McEwen
Carving out the territory for educating the deliberate professional, Franziska Trede and Celina McEwen
Educating for professional responsibility: From critical thinking to deliberative communication, or why critical thinking is not enough, Tone Drydal Solbrekke, Tomas Englund, Berit Karseth, Eevi E. Beck
Section 2 -Reconceptualising the professional
Critique and the deliberate professional: Framing the new and enhanced role of intermediaries in digital culture, Jonathan Roberge
Deliberate and emergent approaches to practice development: Lessons learnt from the Australian environment movement, Rick Flowers
The soul of the university: A hero's journey towards deliberate leadership, Andrew Vann
Parrhēsia, artisans and the possibilities for deliberate practice, David A. Nicholls
University and community engagement: Towards a partnership based on deliberate reciprocity, Lesley Cooper and Janice Orrell
Section 3
Rethinking practice education
Learning to master profession-specific knowledge practices: A prerequisite for the deliberate professional? Monika Nerland
A capabilities approach to educating the deliberate professional: Theory and practice, Monica McLean and Melanie Walker
Taking professional practice seriously: Implications for deliberate course design, David Boud
Deliberate subversion of time: Slow scholarship and learning through research, Tony Harland
Deliberately owning my practice model: Realising my professional practice, Joy Higgs
Section 4
Panoptic musings
The deliberate professional in the digital age: A manifesto in the tradition of critical theory and pedagogy, Rainer Winter
Educating deliberate professionals: Beyond reflective and deliberative practitioners, Celina McEwen and Franziska Trede.
Setting the scene
Scoping the deliberate professional, Franziska Trede and Celina McEwen
Carving out the territory for educating the deliberate professional, Franziska Trede and Celina McEwen
Educating for professional responsibility: From critical thinking to deliberative communication, or why critical thinking is not enough, Tone Drydal Solbrekke, Tomas Englund, Berit Karseth, Eevi E. Beck
Section 2 -Reconceptualising the professional
Critique and the deliberate professional: Framing the new and enhanced role of intermediaries in digital culture, Jonathan Roberge
Deliberate and emergent approaches to practice development: Lessons learnt from the Australian environment movement, Rick Flowers
The soul of the university: A hero's journey towards deliberate leadership, Andrew Vann
Parrhēsia, artisans and the possibilities for deliberate practice, David A. Nicholls
University and community engagement: Towards a partnership based on deliberate reciprocity, Lesley Cooper and Janice Orrell
Section 3
Rethinking practice education
Learning to master profession-specific knowledge practices: A prerequisite for the deliberate professional? Monika Nerland
A capabilities approach to educating the deliberate professional: Theory and practice, Monica McLean and Melanie Walker
Taking professional practice seriously: Implications for deliberate course design, David Boud
Deliberate subversion of time: Slow scholarship and learning through research, Tony Harland
Deliberately owning my practice model: Realising my professional practice, Joy Higgs
Section 4
Panoptic musings
The deliberate professional in the digital age: A manifesto in the tradition of critical theory and pedagogy, Rainer Winter
Educating deliberate professionals: Beyond reflective and deliberative practitioners, Celina McEwen and Franziska Trede.