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At a Glance; Contents; Foreword; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter 1: RDBMS Meets Hadoop: Integrating, Re-Architecting, and Transitioning; Conceptual Differences Between Relational and HDFS NoSQL Databases; Relational Design and Hadoop in Conjunction: Advantages and Challenges; Type of Data; Data Volume; Business Need; Deciding to Integrate, Re-Architect, or Transition; Type of Data; Type of Application; Business Objectives; How to Integrate, Re-Architect, or Transition; Integration; Re-Architecting Using Lambda Architecture

Batch LayerServing Layer; Speed Layer; Transition to Hadoop/NoSQL; Type of Data; Data Volume; Data Distribution; Migrating the Data; Summary; Part I: Relational Database Management Systems: A Review of Design Principles, Models and Best Practices; Chapter 2: Understanding RDBMS Design Principles; Overview of Design Methodologies; Top-down; Bottom-up; SSADM; Exploring Design Methodologies; Top-down; Bottom-up; SSADM; Feasibility Study; Investigation of the Current Environment; Business System Options; Requirements Specification; Technical System Options; Logical Design; Physical Design

Pros and Cons of SSADMComponents of Database Design; Normal Forms; First Normal Form; Second Normal Form; Third Normal Form; Keys in Relational Design; Optionality and Cardinality; Supertypes and Subtypes; Summary; Chapter 3: Using SSADM for Relational Design; Feasibility Study; Project Initiation Plan; Requirements and User Catalogue; Requirements Catalogue; User Catalogue; Current Environment Description; Current System Description; Current Physical Data Flow Model; Current Logical Data Model; Proposed Environment Description; Business Activity Model; Data Specification

Function SpecificationProblem Definition; Feasibility Study Report; Requirements Analysis; Investigation of Current Environment; Current Data Flow Model; Current Logical Data Model; Requirements Catalogue; User Catalogue; Logical Data Store/Entity Cross-Reference; Logical View of Current Services and System Scope; Business System Options; Requirements Specification; Data Flow Model; Logical Data Model; Function Definitions; GetPlayerInjuryInfo; GetPlayerChronicCondInfo; GetPlayerContractDetails; GetPlayerScheduleInfo; CalculateLossOfPlayPremium; EvalLossOfPlayClaim

Effect Correspondence Diagrams (ECDs)Entity Life Histories (ELHs); Logical System Specification; Technical Systems Options; Logical Design; Update Processing Model; Enquiry Processing Model; Data Catalogue; Physical Design; Logical to Physical Transformation; Space Estimation Growth Provisioning; Optimizing Physical Design; Summary; Chapter 4: RDBMS Design and Implementation Tools; Database Design Tools; CASE tools; Building and Using Design Layers; Categorizing Design Using Subject Areas; Display Level of a Model; Forward and Reverse Engineering; Creating Reusable Components

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