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Femoral pseudoaneurysm
Superficial Femoral Artery Dissection
Vagal reaction
Unable to find femoral pulse
Find radial pulse but actually blocked and stick ulnar
Unable to find radial pulse
Femoral dissection
Femoral bleeds Radial injury, perforation, need for glue, etc
Radial spasm
Radial: Unable to negotiate aorta.- Unable to negotiate subclavian/aorta junction
Unable to intubate left coronary system
Unable to intubate right coronary
Unable to Intubate grafts
Unable to intubate LIMA
Conus branch injection
Brachial injury
no flow
Stroke on table
Aortic Dissection
Subclavian dissection
Left main stem pressure damping cf. ventriculisation
Coronary air embolism
Coronary rupture
Distal wire perforation
Lost stent/Stent embolization
Wire breakage, trapping.- Acute dissection/vesssel closure
Femoral haematoma
Retro-peritoneal haemorrhage
Stent fracture
Acute pericardial effusion
Left main stem dissection
Unable to withdraw wire past newly inserted stent
No-reflow phenomenon.- Unable to pass wire
Unable to pass balloon.- Unable to pass stent
Stented underprepared lesion
Acute onset hypotension Chest pain
Pulmonary oedema on table
Unable to cross aortic valve
Pigtail or end hole punctures ventricle
Sheared rotablator wire/retained tip
Wire under stent.- Atheroembolism of leg
Failed vascular closure device
Intramural haematoma
Failure of stent deployment
Dissection after rotablation
Wire fracture
Perforated side branch needing coils.

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