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At a Glance; Contents; About the Authors; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgements; Foreword; Prologue; Part I: A Second Bite at the Problem; Chapter 1: The Second Side of the Story; The Cryptowars; Follow the Silk Road; "You Must Be Punished"; Enemy Within the Gates; Gone Phishing; A State of Emergency; A Second Thought; Notes; Chapter 2: The Second Nature of Markets; Making It Up in Volume; Without a Trace; Follow the Money Trail; Tick Tock; Rise of the Machines; A Second Thought; Notes; Chapter 3: Seconding the Cause; Déjà vu; Leaking Secrets; A Legion Joins the Fight

A Second ThoughtNotes; Chapter 4: No Second Chance; Somebody Crossed the Rubicon; A Cyber Pearl Harbor; Fun with a Dash of Smarts; A Second Thought; Notes; Chapter 5: Second-Guessing the Obvious; Enough, Already!; Passing the Buck; The Long Game; A Second Thought; Notes; Part II: A Second Look at Conventional Wisdom; Chapter 6: Playing Second Fiddle; Initial Battle Lines Are Drawn; The Underestimated Troublemakers; The Domesticated Heroes; A Second Thought; Notes; Chapter 7: Take a Second Look; Taking the Keep; Securing the Virtual Castle; Erring on the Side of Caution

Ignoring One's DefensesA Second Thought; Notes; Chapter 8: When Seconds Matter; Losing the Race; The More Things Change . . .; The Red Queen's Head Start; A Second Thought; Notes; Chapter 9: Second to None; Doing the Unthinkable; Protecting One's Advantage; Celebrating a Hollow Victory; Facing the Dilemma; Punishing the Free Rider; Raising the Elevation; A Second Thought; Notes; Chapter 10: Cybersecurity's Second Wind; Raising the Noise; Obeying the Law; Running the Gauntlet; A Second Thought; Notes; Epilogue; Index

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