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Preface; Contents; Chapter 1: Introduction; 1.1 Atmospheric CO2 Concentration; 1.2 Temperature in the Lower Atmosphere; References; Chapter 2: Research Methods; 2.1 Gas-Exchange Systems for Leaves and Stems; 2.2 Greenhouses and Cabinets; 2.3 Branch Bags; 2.4 Open-Top Chambers; 2.5 Whole-Tree Chambers; 2.6 Free-Air CO2 Enrichment; 2.7 Natural Carbon Dioxide Springs; 2.8 Model Ecosystems (Microcosms, Mesocosms, Biospheres); References; Chapter 3: CO2 Net Assimilation of Leaves; 3.1 [CO2] as a Variable; 3.2 Light and [CO2]; 3.3 Temperature and CO2 Net Assimilation

3.4 Nitrogen and CO2 Gas ExchangeReferences; Chapter 4: Respiration in Plant Compartments; 4.1 Leaves; 4.2 Stems; 4.3 Roots; References; Chapter 5: Water Use Efficiency and Stomatal Conductance; 5.1 Water Use Efficiency; 5.2 Stomatal Conductance; 5.3 Interaction with Ozone; References; Chapter 6: Nonstructural and Structural Carbohydrates; 6.1 Nonstructural Carbohydrates; 6.2 Structural Carbohydrates; 6.2.1 Hemicellulose Compounds; 6.2.2 Cellulose and Lignin; 6.2.3 Carbohydrates in Roots; References; Chapter 7: Secondary Metabolites; 7.1 Volatile Organic Compounds

7.2 Chlorophyll and Other Pigments7.3 Other Secondary Metabolites; References; Chapter 8: Macro- and Micronutrients; 8.1 Macronutrients; 8.1.1 Nitrogen; 8.1.2 Phosphorus; 8.1.3 Potassium; 8.1.4 Calcium; 8.1.5 Magnesium; 8.1.6 Sulfur; 8.2 Micronutrients; References; Chapter 9: Anatomy; 9.1 Leaf Cells; 9.2 Stem Tissues; 9.2.1 Bark; 9.2.2 Wood; Wood Density; Annual Tree-Ring Width; Resin Canal and Wood Ray Density; Xylem Vessels; References; Chapter 10: Growth and Mass; 10.1 Height; 10.2 Basal Stem Diameter; 10.3 Summary (Height and Basal Diameter); 10.4 Leaves

10.5 Number of Buds10.6 Biomass Partitioning; References; Chapter 11: Phenology; 11.1 Bud Break; 11.2 Leaf Abscission; 11.3 Leaf Longevity Overall; References; Chapter 12: Expanding the Outlook to Effects on Ecosystems; 12.1 Leaf Area Index; 12.2 Production and Net CO2 Gas Exchange in Model Ecosystems; 12.3 Evapotranspiration of Small Systems; 12.4 Rhizosphere; 12.4.1 Litter; 12.4.2 Soil Bacteria and Fungi; 12.4.3 Soil Animals; 12.5 Herbivory; References; Chapter 13: Modeling Responses to [CO2] and Temperature; 13.1 Leaf and Canopy Level; 13.2 Whole Stand; References; Subject Index

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