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Preface; Contents; About the Editors; Impacts of Urbanization on Hydrological Processes and Mitigation Measures; 1 Impact of Slope and Vegetation on Hydrological Processes; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Background; 2.1 Infiltration; 2.2 Runoff; 2.3 Permeability; 2.4 Catchment Area; 2.5 Watershed with Slopes; 3 Modes and Methods; 3.1 Experimental Study; 4 Results and Discussion; 4.1 Particle Size Gradation Curve; 4.1.1 Calculation of Coefficient of Uniformity and Coefficient of Curvature; 4.2 Infiltration by Restricting Runoff Without Vegetation; 4.2.1 Conclusions Drawn from the Curves

4.3 Infiltration Without Considering Runoff with Vegetation4.3.1 Conclusions Drawn from the Curves; 4.4 Infiltration by Allowing Runoff Without Vegetation; 4.4.1 Conclusions Drawn from the Curves; 4.5 Infiltration by Allowing Runoff with Vegetation; 4.5.1 Conclusions Drawn from the Curves; 4.6 Runoff Without Vegetation; 4.6.1 Conclusions Drawn from the Curves; 4.7 Runoff with Vegetation; 4.7.1 Conclusions Drawn from the Curves; 4.8 Ideal Conditions for Conducting the Experiment in Rainfall Apparatus; 4.9 Data Analysis; 4.10 Scope of Further Study; 4.11 Practical Application; 5 Conclusion

AcknowledgementsReferences; 2 Impact of Total and Effective Imperviousness on Runoff Prediction; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Study Area; 3 Methodology; 4 Runoff Simulation of Watersheds; 5 Analysis and Results; 6 Conclusion; References; 3 Issues of Urban Drainage-Present Status and the Way Forward; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Adaptation and Mitigation Measures in Mumbai; 3 Adaptation and Mitigation Measures in India; 4 National Mission on Sustainable Habitat: Climate Change Adaptation and Urban Drainage Parameters; 5 Summary and Conclusions; References

4 Optimal Allocation of Ecological Management Practices in a Hilly Urban WatershedAbstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Mathematical Formulation; 3 Case Study; 3.1 EMP Consideration; 3.2 Parameters of the RUSLE Model; 3.3 Parameters for the Rational Method; 3.4 Other Consideration for the Optimization Model; 4 Results; 5 Conclusions; References; Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Urban Hydrology; 5 Surface Runoff Depth by SCS Curve Number Method Integrated with Satellite Image and GIS Techniques; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Study Area; 3 Methodology; 3.1 Data Acquisition and GIS Techniques

3.1.1 Demarcation of District Boundary and Watershed Delineation3.1.2 Landuse/Landcover Classification; 3.1.3 Generation of Hydrological Soil Group; 3.1.4 Derivation of the Curve Number (CN); 3.2 Estimation of Runoff by Using USDA SCS-CN Method; 4 Results and Discussion; 4.1 Watershed Map; 4.2 Landuse/Landcover Map; 4.3 Soil Types and Hydrological Soil Group Map; 4.4 Curve Number Generated; 4.5 Estimated Surface Runoff Depth and Its Verification; 5 Conclusion; References; 6 Study on the Impact of Land Use Changes on Urban Hydrology of Cochin, Kerala, India; Abstract; 1 Introduction

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