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Foreword; Preface; Welcome Speech; International Organizing Committee; Russian National Organizing Committee Members; Sponsors; Media Sponsors; Contents; Part I Resources of the Coal Industry and Their Features; 1 Technological Progress Having Impact on Coal Demand Growth; Abstract; Key words:; 1. Introduction; 2. Factors affecting the change of primary energy consumption structure.; 3. Greening the Global Economy and tightening of environmentalrequirements for energy; 4. Aspects for coal multipurpose utilization

4.1. Coal gasification and hydrogenation, synthesis gas and liquid fuelsgeneration4.2. Production technologies of coal-water slurry fuels; 5. Conclusions; References; 2 NEW APPROACHES TO CREATION OF LOW-TEMPERATURE COMPOSITIONS FOR PREVENTION OF COAL CONGEALING; Conclusion.; Referencies; 3 Various potential uses of coal from Apsatsky coalfield; Summary; Keywords; Process flow diagram for processing Apsatsky coals; 4 COMBINED CHEMICAL-BENEFICIATION PROCESSES OF VALUABLE COMPONENTS EXTRACTION FROM COAL BURNING WASTES; ABSTRACT; Keywords:; 1. Introduction

2. Recovery of valuable components from the ash and slag waste3. Recovery of gold from the combustion products of coal; Conclusions; References; 5 Coal in the economy of Russia; Key words:; Summary; 1. Introduction; 2. Stages of coal industry development in Russia.; 3. Coal in the economy and fuel and energy budget of Russia.; 4. Export market as the main driver of coal preparation growth; 5. Perspective of Russian coal on export market; 6. Conclusion; References; 6 Desulphurization of high-sulfur coking coal by microwave irradiation assisted with alkali solution; Key words:; 1 Introduction

2 Experimental2.1 Material; 2.2 Desulfurization experiments; 2.3 Instrumental analysis on coal; 3 Results and discussion; 3.1 Effects of several factors on coal desulfurization rate; 3.2 Analysis of coal samples characteristics before and after desulfurization; 3.2.1 XPS analysis; 3.2.2 XANES analysis; 3.2.3 FTIR analysis; 3.3 The influence of microwave desulfurization treatment on the caking properties of the coal; 4 Conclusions; 7 Country report Mongolia; Authors:; Abstract; Key words:; 1. GENERAL INFORMATION; 2. BRIEF HISTORY OF MONGOLIAN COAL INDUSTRY

3. PRESENT SITUATION OF MONGOLIAN COAL INDUSTRY4. PREPARATION TECHNOLOGY; 4.1. Dry coal preparation technology; 4.2. Wet coal preparation technology; 5. COAL GASIFICATION / LIQUIFICATION SYSTEMS; 6. LEGISLATION DEVELOPMENT OF MONGOLIAN MINING INDUSTRY; REFERENCES:; 8 Indonesia economic output and employment impact of low rank coal utilization: An input output analysis; 1. Introduction; 2. Research Methodology; 3. Result; 4. Conclusion; References; 9 From Mining to Refining
Contribution of selective Mining to Value Chain optimisation; Key words:; 1 Introduction

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