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Introduction: Space, Place and Popular Fiction, Lisa Fletcher
Cave Genres/Genre Caves: Reading the Subterranean Thriller, Ralph Crane and Lisa Fletcher
Unstable Places and Generic Spaces: Thrillers Set in Antarctica, Elizabeth Leane
Chronotopic Reading of Crime Fiction: Montréal in La Trace de l'Escargot, Marc Brosseau and Pierre-Mathieu Le Bel
Romance in the Backblocks in New Zealand Popular Fiction, 1930-1950: Mary Scott's Barbara Stories, Jane Stafford
The Inside Story: Jennifer Crusie and the Architecture of Love, William Gleason
Ghost-Al Erosion: Beaches and the Supernatural in Two Stories by M.R. James, Lucie Armitt
Pagan Places: Contemporary Paganism, British Fantasy Fiction, and the Case of Ryhope Wood, Kim Wilkins
Tolkien's Geopolitical Fantasy: Spatial Narrative in The Lord of the Rings, Robert T. Tally Jr.
Commuting to Another World: Spaces of Transport and Transport Maps in Urban Fantasy, David Pike
Mapping Monstrosity: Metaphorical Geographies in China Miéville's Bas-Lag Trilogy, Robert A. Saunders
Air Force One: Popular (Non)Fiction in Flight, Christopher Schaberg
States of Nostalgia in the Genre of the Future: Panem, Globalization, and Utopia in The Hunger Games Trilogy, Eric D. Smith and Kylie Korsnack

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