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At a Glance; Contents; About the Author; Introduction; Chapter 1: Topic 101: System Architecture; Device Management: The Linux Boot Process; Troubleshooting; Run Levels; Pseudo Filesystems; Device Management; Now Try This; Test Yourself; Answer Key; Chapter 2: Topic 102: Linux Installation and Package Management; Disk Partitioning; Install and Configure a Boot Manager; Shared Libraries; Package Managers; Local: dpkg; Repositories: APT; Local: RPM; Repositories: yum; Now Try This; Test Yourself; Answer Key; Chapter 3: Topic 103: Gnu and Unix Commands; The Bash Shell.

Processing Text StreamsFile Management; File Archives; Streams, Pipes, and Redirects; Managing Processes; Monitoring Processes; Managing Background Processes; Killing Processes; Execution Priorities; Using Regular Expressions (REGEX); Using vi; Now Try This; Test Yourself; Answer Key; Chapter 4: Topic 104: Devices, Linux Filesystems, and the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard; Create Partitions and Filesystems; Maintain the Integrity of Filesystems; Monitoring; Preventive Maintenance; Repair; Control Mounting and Unmounting of Filesystems; Manage Disk Quotas; Manage File Permissions and Ownership.

LettersNumbers (octal); Umask; Using suid, sgid, and the Sticky Bit; Create and Change Hard and Symbolic Links; Find System Files and Place Files in the Correct Location; Filesystem Hierarchy Standard; Search Tools; Now Try This; Test Yourself; Answer Key; Chapter 5: Topic 105: Shells, Scripting, and Databases; Customize and Use the Shell Environment; Customize and Write Simple Scripts; User Inputs; Testing Values; Loops; SQL Data Management; Now Try This; Test Yourself; Answer Key; Chapter 6: Topic 106: User Interfaces and Desktops; Install and Configure X11; Set Up a Display Manager.

AccessibilityNow Try This; Test Yourself; Answer Key; Chapter 7: Topic 107: Administrative Tasks; Manage User and Group Accounts; Users; Groups; Automate System Administration Tasks; Using cron; Using anacron; Using at; Localization and Internationalization; Now Try This; Test Yourself; Answer Key; Chapter 8: Topic 108: Essential System Services; Maintain System Time; The Hardware Clock; Network Time Protocol (NTP); System Logging; Using syslogd; Using journald; Using logger; Using logrotate; Mail Transfer Agent Basics; Manage Printers and Printing; Now Try This; Test Yourself; Answer Key.

Chapter 9: Topic 109: Networking FundamentalsFundamentals of Internet Protocols; Transmission Protocols; Network Addressing; IPv4; Network Address Translation (NAT); IPv6; Service Ports; Basic Network Configuration; Basic Network Troubleshooting; Configure Client Side DNS; Now Try This; Test Yourself; Answer Key; Chapter 10: Topic 110: Security; System Security; Host Security; Encryption: Securing Data in Transit; OpenSSH; Passwordless Access; Using ssh-agent; X11 Tunnels; GnuPG Config; Now Try This; Test Yourself; Answer Key; Appendix: LPIC-1 Exam Objectives; LPIC-1 Exam 101.

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