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Chapter 1: Why WeßTeach; Learning Outcomes: TheßModern Equivalent ofßWisdom; Real Knowledge Requires aßReal Teacher; References; Chapter 2: Who Is Socrates andßWhy Should WeßReadßHim?; References; Chapter 3: The Socratic Method; References; Chapter 4: Socrates Structures theßCourse; The Dialogue; Psychologist; The Interlocutrix; Results andßRemaining Questions; Regular Classes; Academic Conferences; References; Chapter 5: Teaching Neuroscience withßPhaedo; Socrates, Phaedo (57a-72d; 85c-86d) ; The Neuroscientist; Interlocutrix: Socrates Meets theßNeuroscientist.

Results andßRemaining QuestionsReferences; Chapter 6: Teaching theßPsychology ofßMemory withßPhaedo; Socrates, Phaedo (72e-78b); The Psychologist ofßMemory; Interlocutrix: Socrates Meets theßPsychologist ofßMemory; Results andßRemaining Questions; References; Chapter 7: Teaching theßPsychology ofßLearning withßMeno; Socrates, Meno (70-82); The Psychologist ofßLearning; Interlocutrix: Socrates Meets theßPsychologist ofßLearning; Results andßRemaining Questions; References; Chapter 8: Teaching Sensation-Perception Psychology withßDe Anima; Aristotle, De Anima (Book II, Chaps. 2, 3, 5, andß12).

Sensation-Perception PsychologyInterlocutrix: Aristotle Meets theßSensation-Perception Psychologist; Results andßRemaining Questions; References; Chapter 9: Teaching Cognitive Psychology withßDe Anima; Aristotle (De Anima, Book III, Chaps. 4, 7, andß8); Cognitive Psychology; Interlocutrix: Aristotle Meets theßCognitive Psychologist; Results andßRemaining Questions; References; Chapter 10: First Academic Conference onßPsychology andßtheßBody; Socrates, Phaedo (90e-95a; 100b-102d; 105b-105e; 78c-79d); Conference Questions (Done at Home); On Conference Day; References.

Chapter 11: Teaching Developmental Psychology withßRepublicRepublic (VI, 509e-VII, 518c); Developmental Psychology; Interlocutrix: Socrates Meets theßDevelopmental Psychologist; Results andßRemaining Questions; References; Chapter 12: Teaching Moral Development withßTheaetetus; Theaetetus (146a-154a; 157b-158e; 160e-162; 166d-168c); The Psychology ofßMoral Development; Interlocutrix: Socrates Meets theßPsychologist ofßMoral Development; Results andßRemaining Questions; References; Chapter 13: Teaching Abnormal Psychology withßNicomachean Ethics; Nicomachean Ethics (Book VII, 1-5, 8, 10).

Abnormal PsychologyInterlocutrix: Aristotle Meets theßAbnormal Psychologist; Results andßRemaining Questions; References; Chapter 14: Teaching Psychotherapy withßPhaedrus; Phaedrus (266d-274b; 276a-277a); The Psychotherapist; Interlocutrix: Socrates Meets theßModern Psychotherapist; Results andßRemaining Questions; References; Chapter 15: Conference 2: Good, Better, andßBest inßPsychology; Socrates, Phaedrus (245d-253c) andßRepublic (505a-509c); Conference Questions (Done at Home); On Conference Day; Chapter 16: Teaching Personality Psychology withßApology; Apology (Entire Dialogue).

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